About this publication
Acta Juridica is the University of Cape Town’s Law Faculty’s law journal. It is published annually as a single issue under the editorship of an issue editor, or issue editors, and comprises commissioned articles on a theme for each year. The annual themes and issue editors are approved by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law. Founded in 1956, it has been published by Juta & Co since 2001.
Volume / Issue
The challenges of private law: A research agenda for an autonomy-based private law
Author: H Dagan
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 3-33
The idea of a legal obligation
Author: N Jansen
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 35-56
Remedies, repentance and the doctrine of election in South African contract law
Author: G Glover
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 59-97
From bona fides to ubuntu: The quest for fairness in the South African law of contract
Author: D Hutchison
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 99-126
Interpretation of suretyships and the Constitution
Author: J Pretorius
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 127-140
Sale and the warranty of title
Author: K Reid
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 141-164
The textual layers of European contract law
Author: R Zimmermann
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 165-199
Balancing ‘equality of respect’ with freedom of expression: The actio iniuriarum and hate speech
Author: J Burchell
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 203-227
Punishment, reparation and the evolution of private law: The actio iniuriarum in a changing world
Author: F du Bois
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 229-282
Why intention matters and how it does
Author: A Fagan
Source: Acta Juridica 2019, p 283-313