About this publication
Acta Juridica is the University of Cape Town’s Law Faculty’s law journal. It is published annually as a single issue under the editorship of an issue editor, or issue editors, and comprises commissioned articles on a theme for each year. The annual themes and issue editors are approved by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law. Founded in 1956, it has been published by Juta & Co since 2001.
Volume / Issue
Chuma Himonga’s scholarship on the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998
Author: Lea Mwambene
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 1-18
Transforming litigation in customary marriage disputes: Ubuntu and the responsibility of legal practitioners
Author: Helen Kruuse
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 19-45
The active role of South Africa’s Constitutional Court in advancing women’s rights and proprietary interests in the customary law of marriage
Author: Ebrezia Johnson
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 46-76
Highlighting the higher courts’ obligation to protect vulnerable groups when magistrates fail to conduct the competency test properly
Author: Nondumiso Phenyane
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 77-98
Cultural vulnerability and judicial recognition of heterosexual life-partnerships in South Africa
Author: Christa Rautenbach
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 99-126
What are the implications of Bwanya v The Master of the High Court for customary law?
Author: Julia Sloth-Nielsen
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 127-151
Gender equality in customary marriages: Is the deregulation of customary marriages the solution?
Author: Pieter Bakker
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 152-185
The Reform of Customary Law of Succession Act in contemporary South Africa
Author: Fatima Osman
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 186-213
The right of children born to undocumented migrants to have their best interests given paramount importance: Reimagining the South African birth registration process
Authors: Rowan Fortuin & Salona Lutchman
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 240-269
The decision-making power of adolescents to refuse medical treatment in South Africa: Lessons from other jurisdictions
Author: Ebenezer Durojaye
Source: Acta Juridica 2023, p 240-269