About this publication
Acta Juridica is the University of Cape Town’s Law Faculty’s law journal. It is published annually as a single issue under the editorship of an issue editor, or issue editors, and comprises commissioned articles on a theme for each year. The annual themes and issue editors are approved by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law. Founded in 1956, it has been published by Juta & Co since 2001.
Volume / Issue
The present as history: Workers’ struggles and the law during and after apartheid
Authors: Kally Forrest & Edward Webster
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 1-31
An elusive pursuit: Challenging invalid dismissals – then and now
Author: Paul Benjamin
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 32-54
The evolution of the right to fair procedure in dismissals for misconduct
Author: André van Niekerk
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 55-86
Beyond bargaining: New horizons for consultation
Author: Clive Thompson
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 87-116
The impact of international labour standards on democratic governance and decent work in the era of global polycrisis: Selected Southern African perspectives
Authors: Evance Kalula & William Mokofe
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 117-148
ILO technical assistance and law-making with integrity: Lesotho’s Labour Act of 2024
Authors: Debbie Collier & Shane Godfrey
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 149-182
The Constitutional Court: Negotiating between constitutionalism and political power
Authors: Dennis Davis & Hugh Corder
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 183-221