Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law
Editors-in-Chief: Dr HK Mutai; Prof MK Mbondenyi; Dr T Kabau; Ms BA Kiberenge • Editors: Prof ST Ebobrah; Dr A Baka; Dr J Mwimali; Dr AC Diala; Dr F Tiba; Ms E Asaala; Dr JO Ambani; Dr C Singh; Dr SM Weldehaimanot; Dr AK Abebe; Ms E Nyhan; Prof K Gautam
ISSN: 2521-5434
Year: 2016 – Current
Published: Annually
Category: Juta’s Law Journals
About this publication
The Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law publishes contributions on constitutional law issues that are relevant to Africa and the developing world. Publications that focus on constitutional law issues in other regions will still be considered for publication if they have comparative value to the theory and practice of constitutional law in Africa and the developing world. The Journal is published once in a year, in November.
Volume / Issue
Jean Thomas, Public Rights, Private Relations
Authors: Brian Sang YK
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 185 – 189 (2017)
The Right of Access to Information in the Kenyan Constitution: An Indirect Denial of Other Fundamental Rights to Non-citizens?
Authors: Ndivhuwo Ishmel Moleya
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 155 – 184 (2018)
Proscription of Floor Crossing in Nigeria: The Limits of the Constitution and the Supreme Court
Authors: Gabriel O Arishe
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 126 – 154 (2017
Procedural Technicalities in the Resolution of Election Disputes by the Supreme Court of Kenya
Authors: Muriuki Muriungi
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 99 – 125 (2017)
Human Rights and Family-Policy Issues Under Kenya’s Marriage Act of 2014
Authors: Michael Nyongesa Wabwile
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 67 – 98 (2017)
Interpreting the Power of the Kenyan Senate to Oversee National Revenue Allocated to the County Governments: Building a Constitutionally Tenable Approach
Authors: Conrad M Bosire
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 35 – 66 (2017)
The Potential Role of Directive Principles of State Policies for Transformative Constitutionalism in Africa
Authors: Berihun Adugna Gebeye
Source: Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, pp 1 – 34 (2017)