Africa Nazarene University Law Journal
Dr D Ojwang (Editor-in-chief); Dr L Musikali; Mr C Ojiambo; Mr J Mamboleo; Mr O Ambani; Ms E Asaala; Dr A Munene; Ms AN Mutema; Dr J Mwimali; Mr P Ogendi; Prof A Abass; Prof C Mbazira; Prof E Abuya; Prof J Dugard; Prof M Mutua; Prof N Udombana; Prof R Murray; Prof T Ojienda; Prof E Myjer; Prof PLO Lumumba
ISSN: 2521-2613
Year: 2013 – Current
Published: Bi-annually
Category: Juta’s Law Journals
About this publication
The Africa Nazarene University Law Journal (ANULJ) publishes academic contributions which are relevant to Africa from an international and comparative law perspective. Special focus is given to Africans and scholars of Africa, who are interested in African research and development. The journal is the product of the Africa Nazarene University Law School, based in Nairobi, Kenya in partnership with Juta Law. With an esteemed editorial board and international advisory board, ANULJ has the backing of the foremost African and international scholars in the field.
Volume / Issue
Volume 2 Issue 2, 2014
Applicability of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Plea Bargaining in the Nigerian Criminal Justice System
Authors: LA Ayinla, GH Olusola, B Ayinla Ahmad
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 173 – 189 (2014)
Legal Recognition of Customary Law Marriages Celebrated by Proxy: Perspectives from Nigeria
Authors: Osose Eidenoje
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 148 – 172 (2014)
Family Law Reforms in Kenya: A Feminist Critique
Authors: Yohana Gadaffi, Nancy Baraza
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 126 – 147 (2014)
The Status of International Law in Kenya
Authors: Maurice Oduor
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 97 – 125 (2014)
Payment Systems and Mobile Money in Malawi: Towards Financial Inclusion and Financial Integrity
Authors: Sunduzwayo Madise
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 71 – 96 (2014)
Transition to Devolved Government in Kenya
Authors: J Mutakha Kangu
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 32 – 70 (2014)
Judicial Attitudes to Corruption in Nigeria: Passivism, Activism or ‘Pragmactivism’?
Authors: Olaolu S Opadere
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, pp 1 – 31 (2014)