African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal
Prof U Uwalomwa (Editor-in-Chief); Prof P Gendron, Prof C Fritz, Prof J Ibietan, Dr T Cheickna, Dr H Issahaku, Dr S N Y Simpson, Dr M Olayinka; Dr S Coulibaly, Dr G Occhiali, Dr M K Trésor-Gauthier, Dr J F Boudet
ISSN: 2709-8575
Product code: AMDTJ003
Years of Publication: 2021 – current
Published: Annually
Accreditation: Scopus (Elsevier) wef 31 January 2025
About this publication
The African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal (AMTJ ) is an annual, applied scientific journal that is double-blind peer-reviewed. The journal publishes original high-quality research papers that use analytical, empirical and contemporary methods across the whole spectrum of taxation research. It is an initiative of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), an international organisation that acts as a platform for promoting co-operation, knowledge sharing and capacity building among African revenue administrations (RAs) thereby reducing duplication of work. From its inception in 2009, when it was formally launched in Kampala, Uganda, ATAF has grown in stature and in influence. Today, ATAF is an important voice in taxation globally with its membership at 44 African tax administrations, after the DRC has joined on 7 June 2024.
Volume / Issue
2021 / Volume 1

Assessment of the impact of electronic fiscal devices on compliance and VAT collection in Malawi
Authors: James Manuel Kenani, Michael Masiya, Mercy Samantha Njolomole
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 1-21 (2021)

Analysis of the potential and fiscal effort of the countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union
Authors: Larba Issa Kobyagda, Kouadio Yves Arnaud Binin
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 22-41 (2021)
A woman’s work is never done: fiscal policy and women’s labour supply in Malawi
Author: Frank Kalizinje
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 42-60 (2021)
Assessing the impact of ASYCUDA on customs revenue performance: evidence from the Liberia Revenue Authority
Authors: Genesis B Kollie, Roosevelt S Prowd
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 61-79 (2021)
Effects of modern communication channels on taxpayer service experience in Kenya
Author: Fredricke Bryan Okello
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 80-93 (2021)
Does digitalisation improve the mobilisation of tax revenues in Africa?
Author: Docteur Akouété Paulin Bate
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 94-112 (2021)
Mitigating the cost impact of ICT system failures in tax agencies: lessons from Uganda
Author: Masembe Michael
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 113-132 (2021)
The value-added tax refund problems in developing countries – case of Zimbabwe
Author: Passionate Siwela
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 133-148 (2021)
Civic pride and tax compliance in Kenya
Authors: Clement Otindo, Racheal Mbaire, Jane Kanina
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 149-168 (2021)
The determinants of the vat potential in Benin: an econometric analysis
Author: Tidjani Ousmaïla Awe Obinti
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, pp 169-188 (2021)