African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal
ATRN Advisory Board
The AMTJ is one of the products of the African Tax Research Network (ATRN). The ATRN has an Advisory Board which ensures the academic independence and integrity of the ATRN and all its products.

Mr Logan Wort
ATAF Executive Secretary

Professor Annet Oguttu
Professor of Tax Law and Acting Head of Department: Taxation, University of Pretoria; Chairperson of the ATRN Advisory Board

Ms Mary Baine
ATAF Deputy Executive Secretary

Dr Fred Mugambi Mwirigi
Commissioner, Kenya School of Revenue Administration (KESRA), Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)

Professor Nicaise Mede
Director, Center for Studies and Research on Administration and Finance (CE RAF), Benin

Mr Henry Gaperi
Regional Revenue Administration Advisor: AFRJTAC West 2 International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Ms Halima Shehu
Deputy Director of Research: Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Nigeria

Dr Aida Opoku Mensah
Managing Director Centric Digital GH and Former Special Advisor to the United National Economic Commission for Africa, Ghana

Professor Fanie van Zyl
Professor in the Department of Mercantile Law, University of Pretoria

Ms Chenai Mukumba
Acting Executive Director – Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

Dr Ezera Madzivanyika
ATAF Manager: Applied Research and Statistics

Ms Caroline Mutayabarwa
ATAF Manager: Tax Academy