Beyond bargaining: New horizons for consultation
Author Clive Thompson
ISSN: 1996-2088
Affiliations: BA Honours (Stell) LLB (UCT); Director, CoSolve; Research affiliate, African Centre for Coastal Palaeoscience, Nelson Mandela University
Source: Acta Juridica, 2024, p. 87-116
For unions worldwide, winning the right and space to engage in collective bargaining, so empowering them to forge a better deal for their members, has been a central goal for over a century. Bound up with that process has been the pursuit of a right and capacity to strike. Consultation is a more subtle form of engagement, one that has attracted less attention and resources. However, once the raw battles over union recognition and basic employee protections and rewards have been played out, influence in the workplace begins to matter as much as power. A sophisticated framework for consultation affords employees considerable latitude to shape their workplaces even as employers gain from a more fruitful engagement with their workforce. This article examines how different legal systems deal with the often intertwined processes of bargaining and consultation, contrasting some European, Japanese and Anglosphere track records. It also compares in closer detail the South African and Australian experiences, advocating a heightened role for consultation in workplace affairs.