One (innovation) flew over the law’s head: The intersection of artificial intelligence and copyright

One (innovation) flew over the law’s head: The intersection of artificial intelligence and copyright

Authors Razeen Khan and Ngonidzaishe Gotora

ISSN: 2521-2591
Affiliations: LLM Candidate, University of Cape Town; Candidate Legal Practitioner, Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes (STBB); LLM Candidate, University of Cape Town; Research Assistant, DSI-NRF South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal, 2023, p. 72 – 87


This article analyses South African copyright laws, with reference to artificial intelligence (AI). It deals specifically with the authorship of copyrightable works as contained in the Copyright Act 98 of 1978. The Act provides that authorship vests differently, depending on the type of work in question ie a work recognised by s 2 of the Act. The article seeks to provide insight into the existing jurisprudence surrounding AI and copyright in the South African context. Moreover, it relies on prevailing local jurisprudence to show that South Africa may lack an adequate legal structure to tackle the future implications of conferring authorship on non-human entities. The article also briefly explores resolutions in other regions such as China and draws on Ginsburg’s legal tests for authorship. The article’s focus is primarily on South African law in its current state, with reference to other legal jurisdictions and the future.

Artificial iintelligence facial recognition surveillance and the breach of privacy rights: The ‘Clearview AI’ and ‘Rite Aid’ case studies

Artificial iintelligence facial recognition surveillance and the breach of privacy rights: The ‘Clearview AI’ and ‘Rite Aid’ case studies

Author Ifeoma E. Nwafor

ISSN: 2521-2591
Affiliations: Senior Lecturer, Godfrey Okoye University (Nigeria); Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law and Criminology, KU Leuven, Belgium; Member, United Nations Development Programme AI4Dev Reference Group; Research Member, Centre for Artificial Intelligence Digital Policy
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal, 2023, p. 88 – 92


The increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence (AI) facial recognition models and the accessibility of photos online by companies and governments have amounted to the excessive misuse of facial surveillance systems. The government, the police and organisations have a long history of using AI facial recognition technologies to gather data on citizens without respecting their data and privacy rights. The government relies on national security and public safety to justify such gathering of data. Marginalised groups and people of colour are disproportionately affected by such surveillance. Data protection and privacy rights activists have called on governments to regulate facial recognition systems. It is also essential to establish AI oversight agencies with the responsibility to monitor the use of AI models and to ban such use when it breaches citizens’ data and privacy rights, and any other human rights.

The European Union’s AI Act is the first comprehensive regulation on AI. It provides a risk management framework with different rules for different risk levels: unacceptable risks, high risks; and limited or low-risk applications. In June 2023, the European Parliament voted in favour of a total ban on live facial recognition in public spaces. Although the new Act did not stipulate a full ban on live facial recognition surveillance, it provides that all high-risk AI systems will be assessed before being put on the market and throughout their lifecycle.

African governments have caught the AI bug but only a few African countries have an existing AI strategy; these include Mauritius, Egypt and Rwanda. It has been argued that international AI technologies and ethical deliberations are modelled without Africa in mind. Against this backdrop, it is more likely that Africans as people of colour will be subjected to AI ethical bias, privacy and data protection concerns, risks and harms. It is essential that African countries develop AI policies. Additionally, Africa should also take a strategic place in the ongoing debate on global AI regulation.

A Comparative Legal Analysis of Local Government Autonomy in South Africa and Tanzania

A Comparative Legal Analysis of Local Government Autonomy in South Africa and Tanzania

Authors: Oliver Fuo and Daniel Mirisho Pallangyo

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: LLB, LLM, & LLD. Associate Professor, North-West University, South Africa; LLB, LLM & LLD. Extraordinary Senior Lecturer, North-West University, South Africa; Senior Lecturer, Tumaini University, Tumaini Makumira, Tanzania
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 1 – 39


Over the past thirty years, there has been an increased drive towards decentralisation in Africa with the adoption of national constitutions that guarantee varying degrees of protection to local governments. In 2014, the African Union (AU) adopted the African Charter on Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development (2014) to guide the decentralisation project for member states. The Charter acknowledges that the protection of local autonomy in decentralised legal frameworks is necessary for local governments to deliver on their developmental mandates. In this article, we explore from a comparative law perspective, how local autonomy is protected in the constitutions of South Africa and Tanzania. We also consider legislation regulating decentralisation in South Africa and Tanzania, comparing the similarities, differences, and challenges to local autonomy in these two countries in view of their different national legal frameworks. The comparative legal analysis helps to show the unique nature of the systems of decentralisation in both countries and lessons that can inform law reform. Although there are comparative studies on subnational autonomy in Africa, none has specifically compared local government autonomy in South Africa and Tanzania. The research is based on a critical and integrated analysis of primary and secondary sources of law.

A New Legal Framework for the “Ownership” of a Deceased Person in a Legally Plural Ghana

A New Legal Framework for the “Ownership” of a Deceased Person in a Legally Plural Ghana

Authors: Ama F. Hammond and Prosper Batariwah

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: BA (Cape Coast); LLB (Ghana); LLM (Harvard); PhD (Uni. British Columbia); Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana School of Law; LB (Ghana); Barrister-at-Law; Graduate and Teaching Assistant, University of Ghana School of Law
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 40 – 76


Any funeral in Ghana is a family business. Families hold elaborate ceremonies to mark the death of their deceased family members. Strict fulfilment of the duty to bury is said to ensure the seamless transition of the deceased from this life to the next. In Ghana, the extended family of the deceased has custody and control over the dead body for the purpose of burial. However, the heterogeneous nature of modern Ghanaian society, the rise of the nuclear family, and modern socio-legal values have increased disputes over the dead body, often between the extended family and the nuclear family. Against the background of Ghana’s pluralistic legal system, we investigate the context in which such disputes take place and how the legal system responds. We draw on field interviews to critically compare the living customary law with Ghanaian common law, judicial customary law, statutory law, and the experience of other jurisdictions. We note that the customary law principle of being owned by one’s extended family is well established, usually overriding other systems of law. Nonetheless, we argue, drawing on the experiences of other African countries, that the nuclear family should be given greater opportunities to participate in decisions relating to the burial of the deceased. We propose a framework that reflects the needs and aspirations of both kinds of families.

The Right Against Double Jeopardy (Non Bis In Idem) in the Constitutions of African Countries

The Right Against Double Jeopardy (Non Bis In Idem) in the Constitutions of African Countries

Author: Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 77 – 106


Article 14(7) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) provides that “[n]o one shall be liable to be tried or punished again for an offence for which he has already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country”. In human rights law, this is referred to as the right against double jeopardy (non bis in idem). The ICCPR has been ratified or acceded to by all African countries with the exception of Comoros and South Sudan. This implies, inter alia, that African countries must ensure that the right against double jeopardy is protected in their legislation. In this article, the author examines the constitutional provisions of all the African countries to analyse the extent to which they deal with the right against double jeopardy. The author also refers to legislation and case law from different African countries to demonstrate the circumstances in which a person who has been convicted or acquitted may be prosecuted again for the same offence (retrial) without violating their right against double jeopardy. The discussion shows, inter alia, that some of the constitutional provisions on the right against double jeopardy are contrary to art 14(7) of the ICCPR and some constitutions are silent on the right against double jeopardy. However, this loophole is rectified through subsidiary legislation or direct or indirect incorporation of art 14(7) in domestic legislation.

Constitutionalisation of Ethnicity and Decolonisation of African Constitutionalism: Towards an Authentic African Constitutional Identity?

Constitutionalisation of Ethnicity and Decolonisation of African Constitutionalism: Towards an Authentic African Constitutional Identity?

Author: Gatsi Tazo

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: Lecturer, Department of Public Law and Public Administration, Faculty of Laws and Political Science, University of Buea, Cameroon
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 107 – 140


In the aftermath of independence, African states for the most part opted for the nation-state model inspired by their colonial masters. Consequently, the constitutionalism of the newly independent African states emphasised national unity, an absolute obsession of state leaders, while demonising ethnicity, when it was not simply forgotten. Presented as one of the major causes of the state crisis in Africa, the liberal nation-state model has proven incompatible with African composite societies. Hence the imperative need for African states to reconcile the organisation and functioning of the state with their own values, and thus forge a typically African constitutional identity. The revival of constitutionalism integrates this tendency to appropriate African values, despite the criticisms of this option. The role given to ethnicity, a central element of African society, is symptomatic of this trend. The ethnic group is gradually emerging from its lethargy to occupy an increasingly important place and punctuate the political and institutional life of the state. The principle of equality is softened by the mechanisms tending to favour some people to ensure their representation in state institutions. The principle of the indivisibility of the state gives way to the formation of a ‘Republic of lands and territories’ with overlapping citizenships, where the sons and daughters of the soil enjoy comparatively more rights and privileges than any other nationals from other origins. Finally, as a vehicle carrying traditional values, customary law is gradually recognised and constitutionally protected.

Realising a ‘Right’ to Research in Nigeria and South Africa: the Role of the Executive Arm of Government

Realising a ‘Right’ to Research in Nigeria and South Africa: the Role of the Executive Arm of Government

Author: Chijioke Okorie

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: LLB (Nigeria); LLM (Strathclyde); PhD (Cape Town): Lecturer, Department of Private Law University of Pretoria
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 141 – 173


Development agendas and plans such as South Africa’s National Development Plan 2030 and Nigeria’s National Development Plan 2021–2025, indicate the need for, and benefits of, development research to sharpen countries’ innovative edge and to contribute to global scientific and technological advancement. Recent scholarship has highlighted the positive impact on national development of copyright exceptions allowing for the right to research. This can be in the form of either a complete defence to copyright infringement, or, as user rights. However, the realisation of a right to research has been limited by a copyright legislative framework that may be challenging to interpret. Other hindrances to realising the right to research are limited access to courts for interpretation due to limited resources and also as a result of the inherent institutional limitations of courts to consider only the case pleaded by parties before them. In this environment, the role of the executive arm of government in driving the realisation of a right to research is crucial. Yet, there’s been no executive action to provide for the much-needed clarification to concretise and promote the right to research to actualise development goals. Focused on Nigeria and South Africa, this paper explores the duties imposed on the institutions of executive government and applies administrative law principles to indicate a policy toolkit within copyright statutes that may be deployed to realise a right to research and engender guidance for researchers, copyright owners, users and audience of research.

The Risk of Confusion in Trademark Infringement in South Africa and Kenya: Lessons from Singapore?

The Risk of Confusion in Trademark Infringement in South Africa and Kenya: Lessons from Singapore?

Authors: Yeukai Mupangavanhu and Kawake Sipelo Vuke

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: LLB (UFH) LLM LLD (UWC), Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town; LLB, LLM, University of the Western Cape
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 174 – 203


The risk of confusion in trademarks is exponentially high in light of international trade. Where identical or similar marks are used in the course of trade by different companies, this may result in consumers being confused with regard to the origin of the goods. Consumer confusion may result in the proprietor of the trademark suffering financial loss if customers start buying competitors’ goods or services. Most legal systems including those of South Africa and Kenya consequently have laws that contain provisions that seek to protect proprietors from the use of identical or similar trademarks in a manner that is likely to create deception or confusion among members of the public. The article discusses the approach to the likelihood of confusion inquiry in trademark infringement under the South African Trademarks Act 194 of 1993 and Kenya’s Trademarks Act 4 of 2002. Singapore’s step-by- step approach is examined as a best practice when assessing the likelihood of confusion in confusion-based infringement. It is argued that instead of South Africa and Kenya applying the global assessment approach, which seems to confuse and collapse the elements, a step-by-step approach should be preferred. The need to eliminate confusion when applying the elements of confusion-based infringement cannot be overemphasised in order to ensure predictability and consistency in Kenya and South Africa’s case law.

The Possible Impact of the Wilsnach V M [2021] 1 All SA 600 (GP) Judgment on the Right of an Absent Muslim Parent to Inherit in Terms of an Islamic Will

The Possible Impact of the Wilsnach V M [2021] 1 All SA 600 (GP) Judgment on the Right of an Absent Muslim Parent to Inherit in Terms of an Islamic Will

Author: Abduroaf Muneer

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: BA (Shariah) LLB, LLM, LLD, Associate Professor in Law, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law, University of the Western Cape (UWC)
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 204 – 214


The Gauteng Division of the High Court, Pretoria handed down a judgment in Wilsnach v M [2021] 1 All SA 600 (GP) (Wilsnach) during 2020, where it held that a biological father could not inherit “in the capacity of a parent” due to absence, in terms of the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987 on the basis he inter alia lost his rights and obligations in terms of s 18 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 (hereafter absent parent). This article analyses the potential impact that the Wilsnach judgment could have on the right of a Muslim father to inherit in terms of an Islamic will in the event where he too has lost his rights and obligations in terms of s 18 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005.1 An overview of the Wilsnach judgment is analysed by way of introduction. The right of a Muslim parent to inherit from their child in terms of “Islamic law” is then explored. The possible impact that the Wilsnach judgment could have on the right of a father to inherit in terms of the “Islamic will” is then investigated. The article concludes with an overall analysis of the findings and makes a recommendation as to how Islamic law consequences can be accommodated.

Stimulating Private Investment in Public Infrastructure Through Reform of the Nigerian Legal Environment

Stimulating Private Investment in Public Infrastructure Through Reform of the Nigerian Legal Environment

Author: Olufemi Oluyeju

ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: Lecturer, Department of Public Law, School of Law, University of Venda, Limpopo, South Africa
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 10 Issue 2, p. 215 – 246


A massive infrastructure deficit seriously impedes business growth and economic progress in Nigeria. Given the current fiscal realities, it is apparent that the government cannot solely bankroll such infrastructure requirements. Therefore, the need for private sector involvement in infrastructure development cannot be over-emphasised. However, this paper contends that gaps in infrastructure-related laws are partly responsible for the failure to attract private sector investment into Nigeria’s infrastructure sector. In this regard, the paper seeks to investigate those legal impediments hobbling private sector participation in financing public infrastructure in Nigeria and what reforms, if any, should be made to stimulate private capital flows into the sector. Furthermore, it is argued that attracting private capital into the infrastructure sector requires, among other things, a favourable legal and regulatory environment that is rules-based, transparent, and predictable. It is therefore concluded that private resources could be unlocked by reviewing and improving appropriate infrastructure-related aspects of the country’s legal environment. This article adopts a doctrinal approach; hence, it is based on desktop and library-based or non-empirical research. As doctrinal research, it will rely on an analysis of existing literature on the subject under investigation.