Cases: Renasa Insurance Company Limited v B and L Towing 24 HR Assist (Pty) Ltd Case number 2021/52108; 2023 JDR 4744 (GJ)

Cases: Renasa Insurance Company Limited v B and L Towing 24 HR Assist (Pty) Ltd Case number 2021/52108; 2023 JDR 4744 (GJ)

Author Daleen Millard

ISSN: 2517-9543
Affiliations: Dean: Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University
Source: Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin, Volume 26 Issue 4, 2023, p. 103-107



Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Mabaso v Discovery Connect Distribution Services (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP31/2023; [2023] ZAFST 114 (6 September 2023)

Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Mabaso v Discovery Connect Distribution Services (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP31/2023; [2023] ZAFST 114 (6 September 2023)

Author Daleen Millard

ISSN: 2517-9543
Affiliations: Dean: Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University
Source: Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin, Volume 26 Issue 3, 2023, p. 72-73



Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Nemukula v A C Capital (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP21/2023; [2023] ZAFST 117 (11 September 2023)

Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Nemukula v A C Capital (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP21/2023; [2023] ZAFST 117 (11 September 2023)

Author Daleen Millard

ISSN: 2517-9543
Affiliations: Dean: Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University
Source: Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin, Volume 26 Issue 3, 2023, p. 73-74



Cases: Navigare Securities (Pty) Ltd and Another v Vickers and Peters Financial and Another Case number 29108/2022; 2023 JDR 3252 (GP)

Cases: Navigare Securities (Pty) Ltd and Another v Vickers and Peters Financial and Another Case number 29108/2022; 2023 JDR 3252 (GP)

Author Daleen Millard

ISSN: 2517-9543
Affiliations: Dean: Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University
Source: Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin, Volume 26 Issue 3, 2023, p. 76-79



Supreme Court of Appeal Refuses ‘Reverse’ Piercing of the Corporate Veil

Supreme Court of Appeal Refuses ‘Reverse’ Piercing of the Corporate Veil

Author: Albertus Marais

ISSN: 2219-1585
Affiliations: Advocate of the High Court, CA (SA), Certified Tax Advisor (SAIT), Adjunct Senior Lecturer (UCT Law Faculty) and Director at AJM
Source: Business Tax & Company Law Quarterly, Volume 15 Issue 1, 2024, p. 1 – 8


A company is a separate legal person in terms of South African law. That principle is also widely recognised in most countries. Sometimes, however, either through common law or statutory operation, the separate legal personality of a company may be ignored. Where a company’s separate legal personality is ignored for limited purposes, it is often referred to as a court ‘piercing the corporate veil’ of the company.
In South Africa, the piercing doctrine has historically been developed under the common law. More recently, however, that doctrine has now been incorporated into statute and, more specifically, section 20(9) of the Companies Act. The codification of the piercing doctrine is still rather new, and the recent case in The Butcher Shop and Grill is important because it reasserts the principles that have recently emerged in South African law in this regard.
That case is also important because it not only reasserts the interaction between section 20(9) and the common law but also because it deals with the interesting concept of so-called ‘reverse piercing’, that is, where a company’s shareholder approaches a court to have the separate legal personality of the company in which shares are owned disregarded. The Butcher Shop and Grill is important in this sense because it confirms the basic principle that a company is a legal person, the existence of which must at all times be acknowledged unless the separate identity of the legal person was the subject of abuse. This makes reverse piercing highly unlikely, if not impossible.

Understatement Penalties Through the Cases

Understatement Penalties Through the Cases

Author: Annalie Pinch

ISSN: 2219-1585
Affiliations: Senior Consultant, Bowman Gilfillan
Source: Business Tax & Company Law Quarterly, Volume 15 Issue 1, 2024, p. 9 – 19


The understatement penalty (‘USP’) provisions were introduced in the Tax Administration Act in 2011 (‘the TAA’) with effect from 1 October 2012. These
provisions stipulate, amongst other things, when the South African Revenue Service (‘SARS’) may impose understatement penalties, when no penalties may be imposed, how the penalty must be calculated and when penalties imposed must be remitted. In particular, the USP rules require there to be an ‘understatement’, as defined in section 221 of the TAA. However, where an understatement arises from a ‘bona fide inadvertent error’, no penalty may be imposed. This term is not defined and has accordingly been the subject of many disputes between taxpayers and SARS, resulting in the term being considered by the tax court, the Supreme Court of Appeal (‘SCA’) and currently the Constitution Court, as discussed in this article. While SARS adopts a narrow view of what constitutes a bona fide inadvertent error, the SCA held in CSARS v The Thistle Trust (Thistle) that SARS was not entitled to levy an understatement penalty because the taxpayer made an error, but did so in good faith and acted unintentionally. In Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Coronation Investment Management SA (Pty) Ltd (Coronation), the SCA held that the understatement arose from a bona fide inadvertent error because it resulted from the taxpayer relying on a tax opinion from a tax practitioner.
The TAA also stipulates that the burden of proof is on SARS in respect of the facts on which SARS bases the imposition of an understatement penalty. The onus of proof has similarly been the subject of case law, resulting in a clearer understanding of the requirements that SARS has to meet in imposing understatement penalties. In terms of Purlish Holdings (Pty) Ltd v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (Purlish Holdings) and Enviroserv Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (Enviroserv), SARS must show not only that the taxpayer committed the conduct envisaged in the definition of ‘understatement’ (e g, an incorrect statement in a return), but also that such conduct resulted in prejudice suffered by SARS or the fiscus. Furthermore, it was held in Purlish Holdings that ‘prejudice’ is not limited to financial prejudice.