Hiding behind the veil: On whom does liability for discriminatory practices by recruitment agencies fall

Hiding behind the veil: On whom does liability for discriminatory practices by recruitment agencies fall

Authors: Davy Rammila & Ernest Manamela

ISSN: 1996-2185
Affiliations: Senior Lecturer, University of South Africa; Professor, University of South Africa
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, Volume 35 Issue 2, 2023, p. 162 – 189


The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (EEA) provides that applicants for employment are employees for purposes of its unfair discrimination provisions. The EEA is, however, silent in respect of applicants who seek employment through recruitment agencies. In this article, we argue that this silence has the potential to handicap these applicants and deprive them of the statutory procedure they would have enjoyed had they otherwise applied directly to employers. We further contend that the relationship between recruitment agencies and applicants for employment is not capable of being construed to fall within the provisions of s 4 of the EEA. We also posit that it would be unreasonable to expect these applicants to follow an onerous process under the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000; this, despite there being a clear employment nexus informing the foundation and execution of the juristic act between the respective parties. Instead, we propose that recruitment agencies are agents in the ordinary sense, that their engagements with applicants enjoy prior authorisation from the potential employer, and that any consequences of such engagements are attributable to the potential employer.

Translation of transfer pricing adjustments in South Africa: A seemingly insignificant detail

Translation of transfer pricing adjustments in South Africa: A seemingly insignificant detail

Author: Michelle van Heerden

ISSN: 1996-2185
Affiliations: Senior Lecturer, Department of Accountancy, University of Johannesburg
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, Volume 35 Issue 2, 2023, p. 190 – 212


The South African rand is one of the most volatile currencies in the world — at times the most volatile. To this is added a further area of uncertainty, namely the tax implications relating to transfer pricing. Section 31 of the South African Income Tax Act does not have any specific foreign currency translation rules. The general rule in s 25D of the Income Tax Act is therefore applicable, which provides for the translation of foreign currency to rand using the spot rate. However, given the nature of transfer pricing transactions, it raises the question whether the spot rate is indeed appropriate. The purpose of the study was to investigate South Africa’s translation rules and to seek guidance from an international perspective. The research design was non-empirical, adopting an interpretative paradigm, together with a doctrinal research methodology. The conclusion of this study is that the translation rules concerning transfer pricing adjustments have seemingly been overlooked. The study recommends a legislative amendment of s 31 and proposes that transfer pricing adjustments are converted using the average rate of exchange for the year of assessment to which the adjustments relate, as such an amendment will lead to certainty, equity and convenience.

South African governance legal framework for corporate disclosures and reporting: Part 2—Mandatory financial disclosure and reporting

South African governance legal framework for corporate disclosures and reporting: Part 2—Mandatory financial disclosure and reporting

Author: Werner Schoeman

ISSN: 1996-2185
Affiliations: Lecturer, Mercantile and Labour Law Department, University of Limpopo
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, Volume 35 Issue 2, 2023, p. 213 – 231


In this second part of this article, I focus on the efficacy of the framework for mandatory financial disclosure and reporting. In particular, I investigate the governance of auditors within the corporate jurisprudence. Independence of auditors remains contentious in the light of the funding model of the regulator, functioning of audit committees and the connection between directors and companies.

Case Notes: Is the foreign business establishment lagging behind new business models? Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Coronation Investment Management SA (Pty) Ltd [2023] ZASCA 10

Case Notes: Is the foreign business establishment lagging behind new business models? Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Coronation Investment Management SA (Pty) Ltd [2023] ZASCA 10

Author: Khodani Sengwane

ISSN: 1996-2185
Affiliations: Lecturer, University of Pretoria
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, Volume 35 Issue 2, 2023, p. 232 – 240



The Historical Application of Command Responsibility as Basis for Prosecuting Sexual Violence Crimes Under International Criminal Law: The Post-World War II Criminal Tribunals to Rome

The Historical Application of Command Responsibility as Basis for Prosecuting Sexual Violence Crimes Under International Criminal Law: The Post-World War II Criminal Tribunals to Rome

Author Brenda Akia

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: LLB (Makere) LLM (Humboldt/UWC) LLD (Pret). Member of the UN CEDAW Committee
Source: Fundamina, Volume 29 Issue 2, p. 1-32


The principle of command responsibility places a legal obligation on military commanders or civilian superiors to take reasonable and necessary steps to prevent and suppress commission of crimes, including sexual violence crimes by persons under their command, or to report to competent authorities if the crimes are committed. This contribution provides a historical analysis of the evolution of the codification and adjudication of command responsibility and its application to prosecute sexual violence crimes under international criminal law. Examining this historical evolution aims to provide legal practitioners with a clear understanding of how the doctrine of command responsibility found its way into contemporary international criminal law treaties, such as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. This will assist legal practitioners to successfully apply command responsibility to prosecute sexual violence crimes and to better understand the interplay between international criminal law and international humanitarian law.

“Under the Whip” or Marital Violence, Cruelty and Drunkenness: Defining the Boundaries of Judicially Intolerable Marital Behaviour in the Cape Supreme Court, 1890–1900

“Under the Whip” or Marital Violence, Cruelty and Drunkenness: Defining the Boundaries of Judicially Intolerable Marital Behaviour in the Cape Supreme Court, 1890–1900

Author Amanda Barratt

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: BA(Hons) (UCT) LLB LLM (Unisa) PhD (UCT). Associate Professor, Private Law, University of Cape Town
Source: Fundamina, Volume 29 Issue 2, p. 33-84


This contribution explores marital violence in the Cape during the last decade of the nineteenth century. It is based on a comprehensive review of 587 matrimonial cases heard in the Cape Supreme Court over a ten-year period from January 1891 to December 1900. The study shows that marital violence had occurred in almost one quarter of the matrimonial suits finalised during that decade. The contribution explores the judicial response to violence within marriage. The optimal protection available to an abused wife was a judicial separation order. Such an order was available where continued cohabitation had become dangerous or “intolerable”. The research explores the kinds of marital behaviour deemed to be sufficiently intolerable to justify a separation order. While the Cape Supreme Court did not always provide abused wives with the protection of a separation order, the court nevertheless expressed firm disapproval of physical abuse. It viewed continual drunkenness as intolerable behaviour, and also regarded both emotional and economic abuse as reprehensible. The contribution also takes a look at the community’s response to interspousal violence and at the prevailing societal views of appropriate behaviour for husbands and wives. The study further investigates the development of the companionate marriage as a partnership of equals. It shows that, by the late nineteenth century, wives were demanding more control within the marital consortium and further that contemporary societal expectations determined that marriages should be romantic relationships based on mutual affection. Law plays an important part in both reflecting and shaping social attitudes. The court rulings helped to shape the law by establishing the legal boundaries of so-called acceptable marital behaviour. These cases reveal the law’s role in shaping acceptable behaviour for husbands and wives respectively, reflecting and reinforcing gendered marital roles.

People for Sale: Tracing the Historical Roots of Slavery and Human Trafficking in Early Colonial South Africa

People for Sale: Tracing the Historical Roots of Slavery and Human Trafficking in Early Colonial South Africa

Author Nina Mollema

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: D Litt et Phil LLB LLM LLD (Unisa). Associate Professor, Department of Criminal and Procedural Law, University of South Africa
Source: Fundamina, Volume 29 Issue 2, p. 85-111


Some researchers assert that trafficking in persons is a contemporary form of slavery that has existed for at least a century between Africa and Europe in the form of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Other scholars, who only regard human trafficking as trafficking done for the purpose of sexual exploitation, maintain that the origins of modern trafficking dates to the end of the nineteenth century. However, the history of trafficking in South Africa goes back even further. This contribution outlines the history of human enslavement in South Africa from its conceptualisation as slavery through to its evolution as human trafficking. In this investigation, the similarities and differences between slavery and human trafficking are highlighted. By analysing the annals of human trafficking, it is shown that the original form of human exploitation – slavery – has a long-standing tradition in South Africa. It is contended that learning from past human-bondage injustices may contribute positively to a more comprehensive understanding not only of contemporary slavery, but also of the challenges affecting the present success of anti-trafficking efforts.

Book Review: Tulrike Babusiaux, Christian Baldus, Wolfgang Ernst, Franz-Stefan Meissel, Johannes Platschek & Thomas Rüfner (Eds) Handbuch Des Römischen Privatrechts

Book Review: Tulrike Babusiaux, Christian Baldus, Wolfgang Ernst, Franz-Stefan Meissel, Johannes Platschek & Thomas Rüfner (Eds) Handbuch Des Römischen Privatrechts

Author Philip Thomas

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: Emeritus Professor, University of Pretoria
Source: Fundamina, Volume 29 Issue 2, p. 112-121



Who believes black women? Applying the right to health framework to undo epistemic injustice

Who believes black women? Applying the right to health framework to undo epistemic injustice

Author: Tlaleng Mofokeng

ISSN: 1996-2193
Affiliations: United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right of Everyone to the Enjoyment of the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, Volume 34 Issue 2, 2023, p. 249 – 260


Epistemic injustice has a significant impact on black women’s experiences of healthcare. The failure of medical professionals to consider the experience of black women impairs the realisation of their right to health. Moreover, it embeds the disadvantages that these women face, undermining the realisation of substantive equality. This lecture considers how the medical community’s failure to believe and listen to black women constitutes an example of epistemic injustice. First, it discusses the prevalence of so-called “sex testing” in sports and how it is often used to target black female athletes as an example of epistemic injustice. In particular, it focuses on the impact of sex testing on the career of Caster Semenya. Secondly, it addresses how the forced sterilisation of black women in South Africa is another example of epistemic injustice in healthcare, negatively impacting their rights. Finally, it considers the criminalisation of sex work in South Africa as a third example of epistemic injustice that has substantially affected the rights of mostly black women.

Medico-legal and bioethical implications of uterine transplants for trans women in South Africa

Medico-legal and bioethical implications of uterine transplants for trans women in South Africa

Author: Brigitte Clark

ISSN: 1996-2193
Affiliations: BA LLB (Rhodes) LLM (Cantab) PhD (Rhodes), Associate Professor, School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Honorary Visiting Researcher, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, Volume 34 Issue 2, 2023, p. 261 – 284


Millions of women worldwide are affected by congenital or acquired uterine infertility, often requiring hysterectomy, and are thus unable to gestate their own children. This article provides an initial framework for assessing the feasibility of uterine transplantation against the backdrop of the best interests of the child and legal, ethical and societal notions of the family, focusing on the medical, ethical and legal position of women affected by uterine infertility, and particularly on the constitutional rights of trans women in this regard. The transplantation of organs was initially developed as a life-saving treatment and a last resort. By contrast, uterine transplantation falls into the non-life sustaining category, which raises complex ethical issues. Following a successful clinical trial investigating uterine transplantation in Sweden, uterine transplantation appears to be a viable therapeutic option for women with uterine infertility, known as absolute uterine factor infertility. For trans women, infertility has been a consequence of the realignment of a trans woman’s body by surgery with their gender identity. Medically, ethically and legally, the consideration of performing uterine transplantation in trans women would be primarily motivated by considerations of equality. Legally, in terms of the Constitution, transgender people are afforded explicit protection from both direct and indirect forms of discrimination. Subsequently, if uterine transplantation became an established treatment option for women with absolute uterine factor infertility, it might be constitutionally discriminatory to refuse to perform uterine transplantation on trans women solely because of their gender identity. In the context of the rights to equality, dignity and reproductive freedom, the article poses the question whether such rights could justifiably be limited in South African law in terms of section 36 of the Constitution, with particular reference to the right to reproductive freedom. After considering whether such rights could legitimately be limited, the article concludes that, in relation to advances in medical law and reproduction, South African legislation should scrutinise its hetero-normative concept of the family in this regard.