Cultural vulnerability and judicial recognition of heterosexual life-partnerships in South Africa

Cultural vulnerability and judicial recognition of heterosexual life-partnerships in South Africa
Author Christa Rautenbach
ISSN: 1996-2088
Affiliations: BIuris LLB LLM LLD; Professor, Faculty of Law, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus)
Source: Acta Juridica, 2023, p. 99 – 126
This article examines the potential role of cultural vulnerability in matters where heterosexual life partners claim the same spousal benefits under the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990 and the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987. The discussion focuses on the differences and commonalities between two judgments, Volks v Robinson 2005 (5) BCLR 446 (CC) and Bwanya v The Master 2021 (1) SA 138 (WCC). By comparing the two cases, I speculate that the outcome differs considerably because of the cultural vulnerability of one of the partners in the latter judgment. The inescapable fact is that women, particularly black women, are most vulnerable to the adverse effects of the [non]-recognition of domestic partnerships.1 Sepedi: Sengwalwa se se lekola kgonagalo ya gore khuetšo ya setšo e ka ba e ama dikahlolo, fao molekani yo mongwe magareng ga balekani ba go fapana ka bong bao ba dutšego mmogo nako ye telele ba se ba nyalana, a dirago kleimi ya setlwaedi ya dikholego tša molekane wa mohu ka tlase ga Molao wa Tlhokomelo ya Balekani bao ba Phologilego wa 27 wa 1990 le Molao wa Kabelo ya Bajalefa Dithoto ge Mohu a se a Ngwala Wili wa 81 wa 1987. Poledišano ye e šeditše diphapano le ditshwano magareng ga dikahlolo tše tše pedi, ya Volks v Robinson 2005 (5) BCLR 446 (CC) le ya Bwanya v The Master 2021 (1) SA 138 (WCC). Ge ke bapetša melato ye ye mebedi, ke naganela gore dipoelo di fapana ka lebaka la khuetšo yeo setšo se bilego le yona, yeo e gateletšego yo mongwe magareng ga balekani kahlolong ya molato wa bobedi. Nnete yeo re ka se e tšhabelego ke gore basadi, kudukudu basadi ba baso, bontši bja bona ba kotsing ya ditlamorago tša go se kgahliše tša go hlolwa ke go se lemogwe ga dikamano tša balekani ba go dula mmogo nako ye telele ba se ba nyalana.