Chuma Himonga’s scholarship on the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998

Chuma Himonga’s scholarship on the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998
Author Lea Mwambene
ISSN: 1996-2088
Affiliations: Dip Nursing, LLB (Hons) (UNIMA), LLM LLD (UWC); Professor, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Source: Acta Juridica, 2023, p. 1 – 18
This article is an appreciation of the influence of Chuma Himonga’s work on my research and that of many other academic writers. It begins with a discussion of Himonga’s contribution to a greater understanding of the importance of taking into account the lived realities of the communities to which reformed laws apply. Thereafter, the article takes stock of the practical implementation of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 in addressing the conflicts between customary laws and women’s rights in a customary marriage context. The article considers Himonga’s contribution to the greater understanding of this reality by analysing the courts’ jurisprudence. The final section of this paper suggests that Himonga’s thesis, in which she cautions against the danger of reducing reformed laws into ‘paper law’, has a universal appeal. In particular, I argue that her thesis provides useful insights into the best practical approaches to resolving conflicts between customary rules and practices and human rights. Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel is ’n evaluering van die invloed van Chuma Himonga se werk op my navorsing en dié van talle ander akademiese skrywers. Dit begin met ’n bespreking van Himonga se bydrae tot ’n groter begrip van die belangrikheid daarvan om die geleefde realiteite in ag te neem van die gemeenskappe waarop hervormde wette van toepassing is. Daarna evalueer die artikel die praktiese implementering van die Wet op Erkenning van Gebruiklike Huwelike 120 van 1998 om die konflik tussen gewoontereg en vroue se regte in die konteks van gebruiklike huwelike te hanteer. Die artikel kyk na Himonga se bydrae tot die groter begrip van hierdie realiteit deur die howe se regspleging te ontleed. Die finale gedeelte van hierdie dokument stel voor dat Himonga se tesis, waarin sy waarsku teen die gevaar om hervormde wette as ‘papierwette’ te aanvaar, ’n universele aantrekkingskrag het. Ek redeneer in die besonder dat haar tesis nuttige insig verskaf in die beste praktiese benaderings om konflik tussen gewoonteregreëls en praktyke en menseregte op te los.