Revenue Enhancements in Kampala, Uganda: Lessons for Other African Cities

Revenue Enhancements in Kampala, Uganda: Lessons for Other African Cities
Author: Sameera Khan
ISSN: 2709-8575
Affiliations: Manager Technical Assistance, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, 2022 Issue 1, p. 201-223
The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) are optimistic that reforms can yield substantial own source revenues if the reform strategy and implementation processes are well designed and executed. Within four years of establishment, the KCCA increased their own source revenue by more than 100 per cent. Kampala’s success can be attributed to improved and modernised administrative processes and procedures, increased capacity, insourcing of requisite skills and knowledge and increased use of automation. The research underscores the successes of the KCCA’s revenue enhancement from own source revenues, especially from the recurrent property tax, to identify lessons for other African local governments. To achieve its objective, the study used a literature review methodology. The evaluation from the literature collected involves a qualitative review of the strategy used by the KCCA since 2010 to enhance its own source revenue. It is noteworthy that research and analysis of impediments, bottlenecks, and key sources of revenue informed the reform strategy that was eventually developed and implemented by the KCCA. In addition, a strong focus was placed on reducing taxpayer compliance costs, increasing voluntary compliance, and increasing taxpayer and stakeholder engagements including the extensive use of social media. Consequently, Kampala’s successes were achieved without the necessity of any legislative changes. Hence, the experience of Kampala offers valuable lessons for many African cities.