A South African Historico-Legal Perspective on Plagues and Pandemics

A South African Historico-Legal Perspective on Plagues and Pandemics

Author Marita Carnelley

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: BA LLB (Stell) LLM (UNISA) PhD (Amsterdam). Professor, Faculty of Law, North-West University
Source: Fundamina, Volume 28 Issue 1, p. 1-65


Global health experts have warned for decades of potential global influenza outbreaks. Although some strides have been made to mitigate the risks and consequences of a pandemic, concerns have been raised about the level of preparedness – both nationally and internationally. This contribution considers a number of plagues and pandemics that directly or indirectly played a role in the development of the South-African legal system, specifically the Justinian Plague, the Black Death, the Great Plague, the Third Bubonic Plague, the Spanish Flu and the Influenza Outbreaks of the past century. Each pandemic created legal and political challenges at the time that were dealt with in the context of the existing conceptions of social justice; this inevitably shaped the development of public health and disaster management jurisprudence and, in some instances, also contributed to the change in the underlying world order. This contribution aims to set out the legal development associated with pandemics that influenced the South African common-law legal system from Roman times until the end of 2019, just prior to the Covid-19 outbreak. There are two main parts to this contribution: The first deals with local or national activities at the time of the pandemic, while the second deals with later international law developments to address possible negative global consequences of such pandemics. The aim is thus, on the one hand, to detect themes from local or national responses to the social, cultural and economic costs of a pandemic, even though it is understood that the impact and consequences of plagues and pandemics are not identical. On the other hand, international law developments are discussed as these too had an impact on the South African legal framework and commitments. Although various aspects related to addressing the consequences of pandemics have improved – such as global surveillance, prevention and eventual control to decrease the incidence and severity of outbreaks – a historical assessment of these experiences is useful for evaluating the progress made towards preparedness at national and international levels. The contribution concludes with a short description of the South African legal framework in 2019 as it pertained to a potential pandemic outbreak.

Pathways To African Unification: The Four Riders of The Storm

Pathways To African Unification: The Four Riders of The Storm

Author Kofi Oteng Kufuor

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: BA Hons (University of Science & Technology, Ghana) LLM (London School of Economics) PhD (Warwick). Professor of Law, University of East London
Source: Fundamina, Volume 28 Issue 1, p. 66-103


Research on African unification has not yet explained the reason for the belief in the possibility of post-colonial African states swiftly unifying as a federal or strong, functioning, supranational entity. This contribution attempts to fill this gap in the literature by exploring the various paths towards African unification. Some states pressing for unification misconstrued the history of the successful models that they insisted Africa could follow. This led to the assumption that a near frictionless and workable legal edifice for African unification could be easily created. This contribution has a twofold purpose: First, it draws attention to the importance of the intersection between history and law in construing and explaining the law as it relates to African unification. This is an intersection that has largely been ignored by scholars. Secondly, this contribution adds to the literature that asserts that African unification enthusiasts should reconsider mimicking other models in the expectation that this will help propel their goal of a united Africa. This study examines the routes to African unification, namely the role of socio-cultural interactions of Africans as propounded by Edward Blyden; the romantic speedy path as espoused by more radical forces by which the elite should muster the political will to bring a united Africa into existence; the role of force in creating a supranational Africa out of its independent states; and the role of market integration as an essential ingredient for any deeper and stronger relations among African states.

A Retrospective Evaluation of Affirmative Action – Taking Stock After Twenty Years

A Retrospective Evaluation of Affirmative Action – Taking Stock After Twenty Years

Author ME Tenza

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: LLB LLM LLD (UNISA). Senior lecturer, School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg
Source: Fundamina, Volume 28 Issue 1, p. 104-139


Affirmative action measures were included in the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 as a vehicle to drive the process of transformation in employment. South Africa has had affirmative action measures for more than twenty years, with the expectation that their implementation would bring equality in employment. The question that arises is whether designated and other employers are making progress in achieving the goals of the Employment Equity Act through the implementation of affirmative action measures in their workplaces. The Employment Equity Report of 2020–2021 states that there is an improvement in the employment of people from designated groups, despite some barriers. This shows that the country is slowly making progress towards achieving the goal of equality in employment. Despite the reports by the Commission for Employment Equity, this contribution argues that the implementation of affirmative action is very slow. Like other programmes designed to change the status quo, the implementation of affirmative action measures has not been without challenges. Factors, such as the unwillingness on the part of designated employers to implement affirmative action measures; lack of appropriate implementation plans in many workplaces; and fear or resistance to change by people occupying senior positions in employment, all contribute to the slow progress in implementing affirmative action measures. In addition, the contribution argues that the limited definition of designated groups is not in line with the Constitution and with international law obligations implied by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). The contribution recommends that the Employment Equity Act be amended to comply with the Constitution and ICERD to accelerate the process of change in employment. As a step in the right direction, the Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2020 empowers the minister to set numerical targets for certain sectors.

The Development of The South African Emolument Attachment Order Mechanism: A Historical Overview

The Development of The South African Emolument Attachment Order Mechanism: A Historical Overview

Author Stephan van der Merwe

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: BComm LLB LLM PGDip (Higher Education: Teaching and Learning) (University of Stellenbosch). Senior attorney, notary public and lecturer, Law Clinic, University of Stellenbosch
Source: Fundamina, Volume 28 Issue 1, p. 140-170


In South Africa, wage garnishment is achieved through the emolument attachment order (hereafter “EAO”) mechanism. This civil debtcollection instrument plays a significant role in South African society, affecting the lives of potentially millions of people. It is therefore concerning that the mechanism is often criticised for lacking effective measures to prevent, monitor, identify and then correct irregularities in the collection of debt through EAOs. This contribution considers the historical context that directed the development of the South African EAO mechanism and the composition of the current South African framework regulating EAOs. It considers South Africa’s unique legal approach resulting from the development of common-law procedural affordances supporting a predominantly civil-law substantive system. It analyses the role of Roman law, Roman-Dutch law, English common law, and the constitutional dispensation in shaping the contemporary EAO mechanism. In the process, the study identifies challenges that have been present since the mechanism’s earliest origins, which can be traced through its historic development and remain contentious in its contemporary version. The study is significant since the EAO mechanism has not yet been subjected to a comprehensive and critical analysis of this kind. Limited research has been conducted on the South African EAO mechanism and there has not been any detailed analysis of its history and development. It is submitted that such an analysis is a necessary first step to facilitate further in-depth comparative research with the aim of developing an effective and fair EAO mechanism.