“What’s Past is Prologue”: An Historical Overview of Judicial Review in South Africa – Part 1

“What’s Past is Prologue”: An Historical Overview of Judicial Review in South Africa – Part 1

Author D M Pretorius

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: BA LLB (Stell) BA (Hons) LLM PGCE (SA) PhD (Witwatersrand); Partner: Bowmans, Johannesburg; Director: St Augustine College of South Africa.
Source: Fundamina, Volume 26 Issue 1, p. 128-198


This contribution explores the historical origins and development of judicial review in South Africa as a function and as an indication of shifts in relations between – and of the relative legal and political powers of – the three branches of state. It also provides bibliographical details of sources chronicling these historical processes. The contribution is published into two parts. This first part focuses primarily on the historical development of constitutional review, namely the power of the courts of law to test the validity of legislation against constitutional criteria. The scope of this power depends not only on the relevant constitutional provisions, but also on the actual and perceived independence of the judiciary, as well as on judicial dispositions and socio-political attitudes toward the courts. This part of the contribution further considers the origins of judicial review of the proceedings of inferior courts and of voluntary associations. The second part of the article will analyse the historical development of administrative law, with the emphasis on the common-law evolution of judicial review of the administrative decision-making processes of organs of state. In addition, it will investigate the growth of administrative law as a discrete discipline in South African law schools. Finally, it will look at the role of the interpretation of statutes in the context of administrative law.

The Ancient Egyptian Testamentary Disposition

The Ancient Egyptian Testamentary Disposition

Author Nico van Blerk

ISSN: 2411-7870
Affiliations: LLB MA D Litt & Phil (Unisa). Senior Lecturer in Ancient Near Eastern Studies in the Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies at the University of South Africa
Source: Fundamina, Volume 26 Issue 1, p. 199-231


This contribution discusses the ancient Egyptian testamentary disposition document as an arrangement made prior to death. It discusses from a legal perspective different documents used for this purpose. The purpose of a testamentary disposition was to make decisions about one’s assets before death. An attempt is made to indicate that the testamentary disposition document was used from very early in ancient Egyptian history and different documents were used as a will by the testator/testatrix. The purpose of the testamentary disposition was, essentially, to alter the customary intestate succession law. The initial emphasis and connection with religion diminished as different documents were used to make provision prior to death of what was to become of one’s estate. Studying these different testamentary dispositions, we may learn more about testate succession law in ancient Egypt.