Note: Decisions of Specialist Tribunals Deemed Orders of Court: A Reflection on Mantsho v Managing Director of the Municipal Employee Pension Fund & others [2015] ZAGPPHC 408

Note: Decisions of Specialist Tribunals Deemed Orders of Court: A Reflection on Mantsho v Managing Director of the Municipal Employee Pension Fund & others [2015] ZAGPPHC 408

Author Alex Nair

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Attorney; Lecturer Labour Unit, Law Clinic, University of the Witwatersrand; LLB (University of the Witwatersrand)
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 42 Issue 1, 2021, p. 33 – 49


The Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator (OPFA) plays a vital role in the adjudication of disputes that arise in the private pension fund sector by investigating a dispute and issuing a determination. The Pension Funds Act (PFA) deems these determinations orders of a court of law having jurisdiction as if the matter had been adjudicated by such court. The effect of the legislative provision provides those in possession of a determination the opportunity to enforce it through contempt of court proceedings in the face of non-compliance. In Mantsho v Managing Director of the Municipal Employee Pension Fund and Others the court concluded, however, that as a specialist tribunal the OPFA could not grant orders of court as a court of law would because it was not a public judicial officer. As a result, the functionality of the OPFA in our legal system has been rendered uncertain. In order to maintain the credibility of the OPFA these determinations should be treated as orders of a court of law. The court’s strict reading of the PFA and application of the differentiation between courts of law and specialist tribunals incorrectly narrows the interpretation of the legal fiction created by the PFA. This note will explore the underpinnings of this concept and reflect on judgments where it has been appropriately utilised. In addition, it will analyse the court’s judgment in order to illustrate why the failure to utilise the concept of a legal fiction properly in relation to the determinations of the OPFA was a missed opportunity. Further, this note will argue that the PFA in its current form does not adequately provide for the enforcement of determinations and therefore should be amended to introduce a process of certification whereby determinations of this nature may, on behalf of an aggrieved party, be certified by the OPFA to facilitate enforcement through contempt of court proceedings.

Reflections on Marginalised Workers and the Role of Trade Unions in the Changing World of Work

Reflections on Marginalised Workers and the Role of Trade Unions in the Changing World of Work

Authors William Manga Mokofe & Stefan van Eck

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Senior Lecturer, Pearson Institute of Higher Education; Professor of Labour Law, University of Pretoria
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 41 Issue 3, 2021, p. 1365 – 1389


The world of work is changing rapidly. The globalisation of economies and brisk technological changes severely impact all nations. These changes have had a significant impact on traditional employer-employee relations. Labour and social security protections for workers are being eroded through informalisation, casualisation and externalisation. Added to this, new forms of platform work have been established during the fourth industrial revolution that have had a disruptive effect on the notion of secure and indefinite employment. Collective bargaining and trade unions have in the past played an important role in protecting workers’ rights. This contribution interrogates the role of trade unions and collective bargaining in the changed world of work and considers strategies that unions should consider implementing. The article concludes by suggesting that the solution to problems associated with non-standard and platform work may not lie in the bargaining power of trade unions. Governments will have to step in to fill the gaps in order to protect persons involved in new forms of work.

Case Note: The Lock-out as a Tool for the Business Rescue Practitioner: The Airline Pilots’ Association of South Africa Judgment

Case Note: The Lock-out as a Tool for the Business Rescue Practitioner: The Airline Pilots’ Association of South Africa Judgment

Authors Stefan van Eck & André Boraine

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Professor of Labour Law, University of Pretoria; Professor of Insolvency Law, University of Pretoria, Director of the Unit for Insolvency and Business Rescue Law
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 41 Issue 3, 2021, p. 1390 – 1404


The South African Airways was placed under business rescue in December 2019. The appointed business rescue practitioners (BRPs) sought to terminate a collective agreement between the SAA and the pilots’ trade union. Negotiations failed and the BRPs commenced with a lock-out. The court considered the provisions of the Companies Act and Labour Relations Act and concluded that the lock-out was a legitimate negotiating tool during business rescue. The authors question whether these Acts are appropriately aligned and they opine that the general principles pertaining to collective bargaining may not serve the aims of expeditious business rescue proceedings in all circumstances.

Case Note: Defining Discrimination on an Arbitrary Ground: A Discussion of Minister of Justice & Correctional Services & others v Ramaila & others (2021) 42 ILJ 339 (LAC)

Case Note: Defining Discrimination on an Arbitrary Ground: A Discussion of Minister of Justice & Correctional Services & others v Ramaila & others (2021) 42 ILJ 339 (LAC)

Author Kamalesh Newaj

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Senior Lecturer in Labour Law, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 41 Issue 3, 2021, p. 1405 – 1416


This case note examines the interpretation given by the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) in Minister of Justice and Correctional Services & others v Ramaila & others to the term ‘arbitrary ground’, as contained in s 6(1) of the Employment Equity Act. Its conclusion is that the narrow approach adopted by the LAC was incorrectly decided. The court failed to interpret s 6(1) in a purposive manner, which requires a holistic consideration of the objectives of the EEA, a proper consideration of the constitutional rights promoted by the EEA, and a circumspect evaluation of international law.

Labour Dispute System Design — Dispute Resolution, Conflict Management or Problem Solving?

Labour Dispute System Design — Dispute Resolution, Conflict Management or Problem Solving?

Author Dhaya Pillay

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Judge of the High Court (KwaZulu-Natal), Extraordinary Professor of Law (Pret), BProc (UNISA), LLM (KwaZulu-Natal), LLB (UNISA), LLD (Pret)
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 41 Issue 4, 2020, p. 2237 – 2273


South Africa’s labour dispute system design (DSD) elevates mediation as the primary means of resolving conflict. Notwithstanding this, mediation is avoided if not undermined, with deleterious consequences for democracy. Dialogue degenerates. Processes proliferate. Costs ramify. A default to litigation results in subverting the opportunity for designing consensual outcomes in favour of succumbing to the unpredictability of litigation. Sacrificing an effective labour DSD at the altar of lawfare is illustrated through a study of Solidarity (obo Barnard) v SAPS. What induces the choice of process? In any case before three, five or eleven judges, in which five facts and two rules are relevant, there can be as many permutations of rules to facts as there are judges. What induces the choice of rules and facts? Interrogating choice is a way of unlocking understanding why litigants, lawyers and judges make the choices that they do. Participating in dialogue enables understanding; it is a path towards peaceful transformation. Implementing an effective DSD fortifies litigation as the primary state sponsored means of not only determining disputes peacefully but also managing conflict by resolving problems effectively. However, without sufficient common aims and reciprocity in society, dialogue and our DSD are dead in the water.

The Courts, the Amendments and the Excluded: A Critical Analysis of the Labour Appeal Court’s Approach to Triangular Employment Relationships

The Courts, the Amendments and the Excluded: A Critical Analysis of the Labour Appeal Court’s Approach to Triangular Employment Relationships

Author Bhavna Ramji & Komnas Poriazis

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Attorney, Casual Workers Advice Office (Law Centre), LLB LLM (KwaZulu-Natal); Legal researcher, Casual Workers Advice Office (Law Centre), BA (Hons) MA LLB (Witwatersrand)
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 41 Issue 4, 2020, p. 2274 – 2293


This article traces the judicial responses to the externalisation of workers, particularly through labour brokers or ‘temporary employment services’. In the first section, it explains the constitutional and policy basis for legislative amendments that attempt to bring workers of labour brokers under the protection of the Labour Relations Act, with particular reference to ss 198A and 200B of the Act. In the second section, it considers a recent Labour Court judgment which appears to do the opposite. Specifically, the court seemed to narrow the potential for labour broker workers to protect their workplace rights using the amendments through its interpretation of a TES under the LRA. In the third section, the article argues that the Labour Court judgment reflects the approach apparent in a number of Labour Appeal Court (LAC) decisions. Three LAC judgments are critically discussed to demonstrate how these decisions have had the effect of protecting some of the most egregious examples of externalisation. The article concludes with possibilities for new areas of intervention for legislators and scholars, and reflects on the difficulties which face labour broker workers (and their representatives) if the position reflected in these decisions is not revised.