Discourse on Menstrual Leave in a South African Context

Discourse on Menstrual Leave in a South African Context

Authors Annalise Thulapersad & Janine Hicks

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: LLB (KwaZulu-Natal), LLM (KwaZulu-Natal); Senior Lecturer in Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, LLB (KwaZulu-Natal), MA (University of Sussex), PhD (KwaZulu-Natal)
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 45 Issue 3, 2024, p. 1424 – 1453


The notion of menstrual leave as a workplace leave entitlement has begun gaining global traction, with Spain recently becoming the first European country to implement a specific menstrual leave policy. South Africa’s labour law does not include a provision entitling female employees to menstrual leave. Consequently, women are forced to utilise their sick leave if they are unable to attend work due to menstrual pain and discomfort. Should the South African government respond to calls for the inclusion of menstrual leave in labour law, there are several factors which lawmakers and employers in South Africa would need to consider. This article examines relevant South African labour legislation and state obligations in terms of international, regional and constitutional law with a view to the introduction of menstrual leave in South Africa. It further assesses global best practice and provides an analysis of possible policy measures, practical implementation considerations and legislative amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997, while also examining the application of existing provisions within the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 in order to contribute to this discourse.

Termination of Employment by the Employer without Giving Reasons in Uganda and Art 4 of the ILO Termination of Employment Convention

Termination of Employment by the Employer without Giving Reasons in Uganda and Art 4 of the ILO Termination of Employment Convention

Author Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Professor, University of the Western Cape
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 45 Issue 3, 2024, p. 1453 – 1474


Uganda ratified the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Termination of Employment Convention 1982 without reservations. Article 4 of the convention provides that ‘[t]he employment of a worker shall not be terminated unless there is a valid reason for such termination connected with the capacity or conduct of the worker or based on the operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service’. Uganda has not yet domesticated the whole convention and art 4 in particular. Section 65(1)(a) of the Employment Act 2006 provides that termination of a contract of employment or service is deemed to take place ‘where the contract or service is ended by the employer with notice’. It is silent on whether the employer has to give reasons for the termination. There are many cases in which the Industrial Court has relied on art 4 of the convention to hold that s 65(1)(a) of the Act requires an employer to give reasons for the termination of employment. However, these decisions have been set aside by the Court of Appeal on the grounds that s 65(1)(a) does not require an employer to give reasons and that art 4 has not been domesticated. In this article, the author relies on the drafting history of the Employment Act to argue that it was an oversight on the part of Parliament to omit the requirement for an employer to give reasons for terminating employment under s 65(1)(a). It is also argued, inter alia, that s 65(1)(a), as interpreted by the Court of Appeal, is unconstitutional and contrary to Uganda’s international treaty obligations. The conclusion of this article is that s 65(1)(a) should be interpreted as requiring an employer to give reasons for termination of employment. Reliance may be placed on legislation from countries such as Ghana, Malawi, the Seychelles and Zambia to suggest ways in which Uganda could expressly domesticate art 4 of the convention. The author also argues that the Supreme Court’s decision in DFCU Bank Ltd v Kamuli (2020) to the effect that the Court of Appeal is the apex court in labour matters is contrary to the drafting history of the Constitution.

Note: Systemic Delays and Penalty Reviews: Govender & others v CCMA & others (2024) 45 ILJ 1197 (LAC)

Note: Systemic Delays and Penalty Reviews: Govender & others v CCMA & others (2024) 45 ILJ 1197 (LAC)

Author Craig Bosch & Anton Myburgh

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Advocate, Cape Bar; Senior Counsel, Johannesburg Bar
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 45 Issue 3, 2024, p. 1475 – 1490


This judgment is important for two main reasons. Firstly, it highlights that systemic delays in the determination of review applications remain the norm, and it is a case study in the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) attempting to combat the consequences by way of creative decision‑making. Secondly, it is another example of the LAC having engaged in a high-intensity penalty review, but arguably having gone too far and not having applied the test for reasonableness correctly.

Back to the Future: Revisiting the ‘Organisation Test’ as a Criterion of Employment

Back to the Future: Revisiting the ‘Organisation Test’ as a Criterion of Employment

Author Darcy du Toit

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Emeritus Professor of Law, University of the Western Cape
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 45 Issue 4, 2024, p. 2133 – 2156


The article addresses the issue of disguised employment in today’s economy where, despite a proliferation of new forms of work, the right to statutory labour rights remains dependent on employment status. It examines the origin of the prevailing dominant impression test in Smit v Workmen’s Compensation Commissioner, noting the court’s preoccupation with returning South African law to its Roman-Dutch roots and its rejection, on flimsy legal grounds, of the organisation test as an alien institution of English law. It was thereafter sidelined for decades and, although it has been recognised in recent labour legislation and acknowledged in recent case law, it has not been applied or developed to a significant extent. Noting that the Smit judgment is not aligned with constitutional values, the article argues that employment protection should apply to everyone who regularly works for (the business of) another and that the organisation test offers a crucial indicator of employment status that resonates with constitutional principles. It further suggests that international precedent, such as the ‘ABC’ standard incorporated in the California Labor Code, can be drawn on in developing the organisation test in the South African context.

Dignity and the Purpose of Labour Law

Dignity and the Purpose of Labour Law

Author Ruben Orton

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Emeritus Professor of Law, University of the Western Cape
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 45 Issue 4, 2024, p. 2157 – 2186


The article advances the notion in the context of South African labour law that the purpose of labour law is to protect the human dignity of employees. In doing so, it deviates from the accepted idea that the purpose of labour law in South Africa is to restrict the power of employers to impose their will in the employment relationship so that employees are treated fairly. Dignity is furthermore integrated and conceptualised in a manner that enhances its substantive use in labour law. This is achieved by adjusting the test for fairness of labour practices and by presenting a dignity framework. The framework consists of two dignity models: the ‘same-kind dignity model’ and the ‘self-fulfilment dignity model’. The framework furthermore harnesses the social justice rules that are applied in South African labour law to resolve the perceived tension between individualistic and communitarian facets of dignity.

The Protection of Confidential Information in Restraint of Trade Agreements

The Protection of Confidential Information in Restraint of Trade Agreements

Authors Michelle van Eck & Marthinus van Staden

ISSN: 2413-9874
Affiliations: Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, University of Johannesburg; Associate Professor, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand
Source: Industrial Law Journal, Volume 45 Issue 4, 2024, p. 2187 – 2210


This article examines the balance between protecting an employer’s confidential information and the enforceability of restraint of trade agreements. Central to the discourse is the principle that while employers legitimately seek to safeguard their proprietary information and trade secrets, such measures must align with public policy considerations to avoid unduly curtailing employees’ employment opportunities. Restraint of trade clauses are not inherently invalid but must be scrutinised for their reasonableness, necessity in protecting legitimate business interests and compliance with public policy. Focusing on confidential information as a key protectable interest, the article delineates the conditions under which such information qualifies for protection and how its misuse by former employees poses a legitimate concern for employers. The article underscores a growing tendency to prioritise the safeguarding of employers’ interests, particularly concerning proprietary information. This focus has led to foundational contractual principles being overlooked. The article argues for a nuanced understanding that considers the confidentiality undertaking, location and timing. It underscores the need for the judicious drafting and enforcement of restraint of trade clauses and confidentiality undertakings, guided by clear legal principles that safeguard both employers’ proprietary interests and the public interest in fair competition and employment mobility.