A brief overview of collective consumer redress in the European Union and South Africa and moving towards the increased use of a consumer class action in South Africa – part two

A brief overview of collective consumer redress in the European Union and South Africa and moving towards the increased use of a consumer class action in South Africa – part two

Author: Theo Broodryk

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Professor in Private Law, Stellenbosch University
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 4, 2024, p. 692-701


Building upon the groundwork laid in part one of this two-part article, which illuminated the landscape of collective consumer redress within the European Union (EU), part two delves into the unique trajectory of this legal phenomenon in South Africa. While collective consumer redress is still a burgeoning concept in these jurisdictions, the dynamics governing it display distinctive characteristics, especially in a consumer context. This article commenced by considering the position in South Africa, where class actions under section 4(1) of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 are specifically scrutinised. Surprisingly, there is a paucity of such actions, prompting a closer examination of the reasons for this. The article seeks to elucidate the status of collective consumer redress in South Africa and to uncover potential insights from the European Union. By scrutinising these frameworks, the article aims to assess whether South Africa could derive benefits from adapting certain elements to enhance the efficacy of its own consumer class actions under the act. Ultimately, the overarching goal of this two-part article is to identify strategies that optimise consumer class action, paving the way for enhanced access to justice for South African consumers. As we navigate through the legal landscape of South Africa, our pursuit is guided by the quest for a more robust and equitable collective redress system that aligns with the evolving needs of consumers in these jurisdictions.

Aantekeninge: Onverwagte risiko’s met aanneming mag potensiële adoptante twee keer laat nadink

Aantekeninge: Onverwagte risiko’s met aanneming mag potensiële adoptante twee keer laat nadink

Author: JC Sonnekusn

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Universiteit van Johannesburg
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 4, 2024, p. 702-732


Adoption has been a very common legal construction since time immemorial in multiple Western European and other cultures, although it has not been treated equally everywhere. A formally adopted child is legally permanently imputed to the kinship of the adoptive parents who took pity on the vulnerable child and consequently completed the legal process of adoption to take the person into a relationship he or she did not previously occupy. In principle, the motivation behind an adoption should play no decisive role in considering the applicability of the relevant legal norms. The typical motivations range from a burning longing in the potential adoptive parents to fulfil their parenting wishes and a healthy developed sense of empathy with a chosen orphan who can thus be spared growing up in an orphanage. In some comparable Continental legal systems not only children below the age of majority but also adults may be adopted. In those circumstances the motivation is less the result of empathy with the vulnerable potential adoptee. More often it is to accommodate the special needs or interests of the adopting “parent”; also the reason that governed the origin of de jure adoptions in Roman law. Some examples of the motivation behind contemporary adult adoptions in comparable Continental legal systems is discussed with reference also to the unexpected consequences of such adoptions. Regardless of which personal consideration motivates a potential adopter to consider adoption, it should be based on a conscious decision by the adoptive parent to accept the chosen person as an adopted child within the family. Although it should be concluded that adoption rests on a considered voluntary decision on the part of the prospective adoptant to add the chosen person to his family, well-defined legal norms ensure that adoption is no longer treated merely as a contract between interested parties such as for the acquisition of a puppy as a new pet. In the interests of legal certainty, the law does not attach all the consequences that parties intended with their volition, to such volitional decisions. After a finalised legal adoption it would be to the detriment of legal certainty if a mere change of mind on the part of a whimsical adopting parent would suffice to undo retroactively the consequences of the change in the status of the adoptee. Presumably few scholars may consider that current South African law provides for adult adoption. Although the applicable South African statute does not explicitly govern adult adoption, it is submitted that this should at least be considered if a nearly adult person who is already legally married is chosen for adoption before he or she has reached eighteen years of age. The Children’s Act stipulates that it is only when a person reaches that age that he or she is no longer a “child”, and all children, in principle, are adoptable. Although the current Children’s Act refers extensively to the requirement of “consent” with regard to adoption, no mention is made of the obvious prerequisite that the potential adopter must voluntarily decide to adopt the chosen person as adoptee at the final conclusion of the adopting process. The law does not require that there must be an agreement between the biological parent/s and the adoptant nor between the latter and the adoptee as is required for a contract, but no one should be forced to adopt a child against his/her will, nor vice versa – irrespective of whether it may be considered to be in the best interest of the child. Legal certainty will be compromised if decisions on the adoption of a supposedly chosen person are made randomly by judges without regard to the crystallised applicable legal norms merely by justifying the decision with reference to ubuntu. This may well deter prospective adopters from considering adoption as a viable construction. The need for legal certainty regarding the protection of the interests of vulnerable children was the primary consideration for the then South African legislature to pass the first Adoption of Children Act 25 of 1923. The legislature noted the growing problems and legal uncertainty with unregulated de facto adoptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing historical fact, Lekhuleni J in the recent RS case argues that in the interest of de facto adopted children, the well-defined legal norms that had been accepted as crystalised may be abandoned: “Undoubtedly, the recognition of de facto adoptions for the purposes of care, maintenance and proper parental care ensures that the protection of children for whom the adoption statute was intended is not eroded” (par 31). This reasoning apparently sufficed for the court to decide that the defendant may simply be confronted with a child as an adopted child notwithstanding the fact that the ordered finalisation of the adoption process cannot be termed to be the result to which he still voluntary consents. Since his marriage had already ended in divorce more than five years previously he may not have had the intention to continue with any potential adoption procedure regarding a foster child the erstwhile couple took in as foster parents more than ten years previously. It is submitted that nobody should be compelled to accept even a stray dog as a pet against his will and even less so a child as an adoptee – sed, ex Africa semper aliquid novi.

Aantekeninge: An update of recent labour law developments from South African courts 2024

Aantekeninge: An update of recent labour law developments from South African courts 2024

Author: MJ Van Staden

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: University of the Witwatersrand
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 4, 2024, p. 733-784


Labour law is constantly evolving, with new cases and legal developments shaping how we understand and apply the law. This annual update, now in its sixth year, highlights and analyses significant labour law cases handed down between June 2023 and May 2024, focusing on their impact on legal science. Over the past year, courts have grappled with various complex issues related to employment rights. These cases have resolved disputes between parties and set important precedents that will guide future legal decision-making and scholarship. This update explores the key holdings and reasoning of these landmark cases and their implications for employees, employers and the broader legal landscape. The update aims to deepen our understanding of labour law and its practical application in the modern workplace. The cases discussed in this update have been carefully selected based on their potential to shape legal theory, challenge existing assumptions and spark new avenues of research.

Aantekeninge: A renewed call for a wider recognition of the pactum successorium in light of recent developments

Aantekeninge: A renewed call for a wider recognition of the pactum successorium in light of recent developments

Authors: Henk Kloppers and Anel Gildenhuys

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: North-West University
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 4, 2024, p. 785-801


Behoudens ’n vererwingsklousule in ’n geregistreerde huweliksvoorwaardekontrak en ’n donatio mortis causa wat aan testamentêre formaliteite voldoen, word alle ander vorme van erfopvolgingsooreenkomste (pacta successoria of pactum successorium as die enkelvoud) as onafdwingbaar beskou. Die vernaamste hedendaagse besware teen die erkenning van die pactum successorium is die beperking van testeervryheid waar die individu van die geleentheid om vererwing deur ’n testament te bewerkstellig ontneem word en die moontlike omseiling van testamentêre formaliteite soos voorgeskryf in artikel 2 van die Wet op Testamente 7 van 1953. Alhoewel verskeie outeurs oor die jare heen (veral in die 1980’s en 1990’s) vir ’n verslapping van die streng verbod op die erkenning van die pactum successorium betoog het, blyk dit dat die howe nie ten gunste van sodanige verslapping is nie. Die pactum successorium was die onderwerp van twee onlangse uitsprake (Oosthuizen v Barnard (20665/2021) 2023 ZAGPPHC 30 (24 Jan 2023) en Lotter v Trustees for Time Being of Phildi Trust (13754/2023) 2024 ZAWCHC 158 (7 Junie 2024)) in die konteks van skikkingsooreenkomste wat in egskeidingsbevele geïnkorporeer is. In beide sake het die howe die vestigingstoets (soos geformuleer in Jubelius v Griesel NO 1988 2 SA 610 (K) en goedgekeur in McAlpine v McAlpine 1997 1 SA 736 (HHA)) toegepas en tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die onderskeie erfopvolgingsklousules in die skikkingsooreenkomste inderdaad pacta successoria daarstel, en aangesien dit nie binne die erkende uitsonderings val nie, is die klousules by verstek onafdwingbaar. As kritiek teen die kunsmatige benadering wat deur die howe gevolg word, probeer die outeurs van hierdie bydrae voortbou op die vorige oproepe vir die wyer erkenning van die pactum successorium in die lig van algemene ontwikkelinge wat sedert die 1980’s en 1990’s plaasgevind het, spesifiek met verwysing na die moontlike insluiting van ’n derde erkende vorm van die pactum successorium naamlik ’n erfopvolgingsklousule in ’n egskeidingskikkingsooreenkoms, welke ooreenkoms ’n bevel van die hof gemaak is. Formaliteite, statutêre beperkings en onlangse uitsprake wat testeervryheid beperk, sal uiteengesit word om die huidige primêre besware teen die pactum successorium (soos genoem ’n beperking op testeervryheid en die omseiling van testamentêre formaliteite), te betwis. Met verwysing na die uitsprake in die Oosthuizen- en Lotter-sake kom die outeurs tot die gevolgtrekking dat, gegewe die formaliteite verbonde aan die insluiting van ’n skikkingsooreenkoms in ’n egskeidingsbevel, sodanige ooreenkomste as ’n derde uitsondering op die streng verbod teen die erkenning van die pactum successorium beskou moet word.

Regspraak: State delictual liability for police wrongdoing – judicial failures and errors

Regspraak: State delictual liability for police wrongdoing – judicial failures and errors

Authors: B Wessels

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Stellenbosch University
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 4, 2024, p. 802-811


In hierdie saak het ons weer eens te make met ’n eiser wat probeer om die minister van polisie middellik aanspreeklik te hou vir ’n delik wat deur een van sy werknemers gepleeg is. Dit is ’n voorbeeld van ’n saak waarin die werknemer iets doen wat ons kan beskryf as strydig met, of afwykend van, die take waarvoor die persoon aangestel is. Inderdaad, die pleeg van ’n geweldsmisdaad deur ’n polisieamptenaar is ooglopend strydig met die terme van sy of haar indiensneming. In sodanige gevalle behoort die hof die sogenaamde standaard-toets vir middellike aanspreeklikheid toe te pas. Dit sou behels dat daar vasgestel moet word of daar, ongeag die feit dat die werknemer subjektief gesproke opgetree het in die nastrewing van sy of haar eie belange, vanuit ’n objektiew oogpunt, ’n genoegsame noue verband getrek kan word tussen die delik en die werkgewer se doelwitte of besigheid. Die feite van die saak het die hof genoop om die gevestigde regsbeginsels, soos geformuleer en voorgeskryf deur die standaardtoets vir afwykingsgevalle, toe te pas. Die uitspraak gaan gebuk onder heelwat gebreke. In die eerste instansie is daar ’n versuim om die nodige feitelike omstandighede te skets. Dit maak dit baie moeilik vir die leser om die hof se argumente te volg. Voorts het die hof nie daarin geslaag om dit as ’n afwyking-saak te sien nie, met die gevolg dat die korrekte regsvraag nie geidentifiseer is nie. Inteendeel, die regsvraag wat die hof indentifiseer, skep die indruk dat middellike en direkte aanspreeklikheid met mekaar verwar is. Dit verras daarom ook nie dat die uitspraak nie die relevante regsbeginsels op ’n samehangende wyse beskryf of toepas nie. In die algemeen moet dit as ’n swak uitspraak beskou word. Die vonnisbespreking lig enkele van die swak punte uit in die hoop dat soortgelyke foute in die toekoms vormy kan word. In die finale instansie word daar ook in die bespreking enkele breë en algemene opmerkings gemaak oor die praktiese uitdagings en teoretiese implikasies van die staat se uitdyende deliktuele aanspreeklikheid.

Regspraak: The court’s power to appoint a liquidator in terms of section 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008

Regspraak: The court’s power to appoint a liquidator in terms of section 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008

Authors: WJC Swart and Andre Boraine

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: University of Pretoria
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 4, 2024, p. 812-822


In Berlein v Salisburg Landy (Pty) Ltd ((3330/20) 2023 ZAMPMBHC 52 (26 Sept 2023)) het die hof ’n likwidateur kragtens artikel 163(2)(b) van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 aangestel. Die beslissing word gekritiseer eerstens omdat regshulp kragtens artikel 163(2) toegestaan is sonder dat ’n aansoek op grond van artikel 163 voor die hof gedien het. ’n Hof het geen diskresie om regshulp kragtens artikel 163(2) uit te oefen alvorens die gronde in artikel 163(1) bewys is nie. Tweedens het die hof ten spyte van die wye diskresie wat dit ingevolge artikel 163(2) geniet, ’n likwidateur aangestel terwyl daar verskeie alternatiewe en meer gepaste vorms van regshulp tot die hof se beskikking was wat minder drastiese gevolge vir die maatskappy en ander belanghebbendes sou inhou. Die feite en beslissing in hierdie saak lig sekere probleme en potensiële probleme met betrekking tot die formulering van artikel 163(2)(b) van die wet toe. Artikel 163(2)(b) van die wet wat die hof magtig om ’n likwidateur aan te stel, word vergelyk met artikel 241(3)(b) van die Kanadese Corporations Act (RSC 1985 c C-44) en artikel 233(2) van die Australiese Corporations Act 2001. Die regsposisie in Engeland word ook oorweeg. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat alhoewel die regshulp in die laasgenoemde bepalings in die Kanadese en Australiese reg oënskynlik soortgelyk is aan die regshulp wat in artikel 163(2)(b) vervat is, is daar belangrike verskille in die formulering daarvan. Die bewoording van artikel 163(2)(b) van die wet is boonop uit pas met ander bestaande Suid-Afrikaanse regsbeginsels en statutêre bepalings in die volgende opsig: In Suid-Afrika word ’n likwidateur aangestel deur die meester van die hooggeregshof en nie deur ’n hof nie. Kragtens artikel 163(2)(b) kan ’n likwidateur aangestel word wanneer dit vir die hof voorkom dat die betrokke maatskappy insolvent is. Die bewoording van hierdie artikel is problematies, aangesien die hof blykbaar nou die likwidasie van ’n maatskappy kan beveel sonder enige konkrete gronde of bewyse dat die maatskappy insolvent is. Daar word gevolglik geargumenteer dat die hof se vertolking van artikel 163(2)(b) foutief is aangesien die hof nagelaat het om artikel 163(2)(b) saam met die gronde vermeld in artikel 163 te lees. Die hof se bevinding dat blote bewerings van wanbestuur aanduidend is van ’n maatskappy se insolvensie wat ’n bevel kragtens artikel 163(2)(b) regverdig, word ook krities onder die loep geneem. Die outeurs beveel enkele wysigings tot artikel 163(2)(b) aan.