Administration of Justice

Administration of Justice

Authors Jason Brickhill, Hugh Corder, Dennis Davis and Gilbert Marcus

ISSN: 2710-0677
Affiliations: LLB (Cape Town) MSt (Oxon); Member of the Johannesburg Bar; DPhil Candidate and Tutor in Human Rights Law, University of Oxford; Honorary Research Associate, University of Cape Town; Research Director, Oxford Human Rights Hub.; BCom LLB (Cape Town) LLB (Cantab) DPhil (Oxon), Professor Emeritus of Public Law and Interim Director, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town; BCom LLB (Cape Town) MPhil (Cantab) LLD (HC, Cape Town), Judge President of Competition Appeal Court, Honorary Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town; BA (LLB) (Wits) LLM (Cantab), Senior Counsel, Member of the Johannesburg Bar, Honorary Professor of Law, University of the Witwatersrand.
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 1, p. 1-69

Civil Procedure

Civil Procedure

Author Danie van Loggerenberg

ISSN: 2710-0677
Affiliations: SC BIuris LLB (PU for CHE) LLD (UPE), Member of the Pretoria Bar, formerly Professor of Law, University of Port Elizabeth, Extraordinary Professor of Law, University of Pretoria, Marcel Storme Chair Professor of Law, University of Ghent, Belgium, 2016–2017.
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 1, p. 126-154

Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law

Authors Michael Bishop and Jason Brickhill

ISSN: 2710-0677
Affiliations: LLB (Cape Town) MSt (Oxon); Member of the Johannesburg Bar; DPhil Candidate and Tutor in Human Rights Law, University of Oxford; Honorary Research Associate, University of Cape Town; Research Director, Oxford Human Rights Hub; BA LLB LLM (Pretoria) LLM (Columbia); Member of the Cape Bar.
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 1, p. 227-383