Children’s Law

Children’s Law

Author Amanda Barratt

ISBN: 978 148514  016 0
Affiliations: BA (Hons) LLB LLM PhD (University of Cape Town); Associate Professor in Private Law, University of Cape Town
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 3, p. 105 – 137

Civil Procedure

Civil Procedure

Author Danie van Loggerenberg

ISBN: 978 148514  016 0
Affiliations: SC; B Iuris LLB (PU for CHE) LLD (UPE); Member of the Pretoria Bar; formerly Professor of Law, University of Port Elizabeth; Extraordinary Professor of Law, University of Pretoria; Marcel Storme Chair Professor of Law, University of Ghent, Belgium (2016–17).
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 3, p. 138 – 175

Company and Close Corporation Law

Company and Close Corporation Law

Author Richard Jooste

ISBN: 978 148514  016 0
Affiliations: BA BCom (Hons) LLB (UCT) Diploma in Comparative Legal Studies LLM (Cantab); Professor of Law (Emeritus), University of Cape Town; Attorney of the High Court of South Africa.
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 3, p. 176 – 238

Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law

Author Jason Brickhill

ISBN: 978 148514  016 0
Affiliations: LLB (UCT) MSt (Oxon) DPhil (Oxon); Director of Litigation, Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa; Member of the Johannesburg Bar; Tutor in Human Rights Law, University of Oxford; Honorary Research Associate, University of Cape Town; External examiner, postgraduate law research degrees, University of the Witwatersrand.
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 3, p. 239 – 321

Contract Law

Contract Law

Author Birgit Kuschke

ISBN: 978 148514  016 0
Affiliations: BLC LLB (UP) LLD (UNISA); Attorney, Notary and Conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa; Lecturer, Department of Private Law, Akademia
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 3, p. 322 – 363

Credit Law

Credit Law

Author Michel Koekemoer

ISBN: 978 148514  016 0
Affiliations: B Com (PU for CHE) LLB (PU for CHE) LLM (Pret) LLD (Pret); Associate Professor, Department of Mercantile and Labour Law, University of the Western Cape; Attorney of the High Court of South Africa
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, Volume 3, p. 364 – 372