Effects of modern communication channels on taxpayer service experience in Kenya
Author: Fredricke Bryan Okello (fredricke.okello@kra.go.ke)
ISSN: 2709-8575
Affiliations: Senior Data Analyst
Source: African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal, 2021 Issue 1, p. 80-93
The objective of this research study was to establish the effect of modern communication channels on taxpayer service experience in Kenya. This was answered using three research questions which revolved around social media, mobile communication and web portals and how each affected taxpayer service experience. The targeted population for the survey were all taxpayers in the Nairobi region who were registered as taxpayers in the iTax system and who form part of the country’s tax base. This comprised the total population for this study. To arrive at the sample for the survey, stratified random sampling was employed. The probit regression results from the analysis of the survey data show that the factors that significantly influence taxpayer service experience in Kenya are the individual’s age, gender, level of education, use of social media, mobile communication and web portals.