Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, The
H Kawadza; TH Mongalo
ISSN: 2412 – 2998
Year: 2015 – Current
Published: Bi-annually
Accreditation(s): N/A
About this publication
The Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice (JCCLP) is a bi-annual periodical published by Juta for the University of Witwatersrand Law School. This journal covers the area of corporate and commercial law, with specific emphasis on how constitutional law, foreign law and public policy imperatives help improve and develop corporate and commercial law principles.
The JCCLP is supported by an eminent editorial committee and editorial advisory board of thought leaders in academics and practice.
Volume / Issue
Volume 9 Issue 1, 2023
The value of the market price in contracts of sale: an analysis
Author: Paul Nkoane
Source: Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, pp 1-24
Abusing business rescue proceedings by a director and its impact on King IV™ ethics of good corporate governance
Author: Simphiwe P Phungula
Source: Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, pp 25-42
Reimagining a new world of South African Insolvency Law: Advantage to creditors and section 39(2) of the constitution
Author: Alastair Smith
Source: Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, pp 43-67
The independent non-executive director: Origins, regulation and persistent challenges
Author: Helena Stoop-Koornhof
Source: Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, pp 68-91
Practice Note: Supreme Court of Maryland overrules prior distinction between director’s managerial and non-managerial duties and reaffirms that the MGCL is the ‘sole source’ of director duties to the corporation and its stockholders
Authors: James J Hanks Jr, Hirsh M Ament, Judah L Rosenblatt
Source: Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, pp 92-94