Journal of Ocean Governance in Africa
Prof P Ndlovu; Prof M Tsamenyi; Prof P Vrancken; Ms A Buchanan; Mr S Ntola
ISSN: 2710-4044
Year: 2021
Published: Annually
About this publication
Journal of Ocean Governance in Africa is a blind peer reviewed Journal of note, under the editorship of the South African Research Chair in the Law of the Sea and Development in Africa. The journal publishes submissions relating to marine law, maritime law or ocean governance as they apply to the African continent, or to one or more African states.
In 2020, it was decided to rename the publication the Journal of Ocean Governance in Africa in order to remove any suggestion that the Journal might focus primarily on ocean law by removing the word ‘law’ from the title of the Journal. The disciplinary and geographical width of the editorial team has also been broadened. The vision of the journal is to encourage and support the fast-growing pool of emerging African ocean-governance scholars in publishing excellent research outputs on a scientific and policy platform with which they are as comfortable as possible.
Volume / Issue
The International Seabed Authority and the Enterprise: How Africa is reinvigorating the principle of the common heritage of mankind
Author: Mehdi Remaoun
Source: Amalwandle Ethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa, pp 1-37 (2021)
National seabed mineral legislation for areas beyond national jurisdiction in Africa: Critical issues for consideration
Authors: Chilenye Nwapi and Daniel Wilde
Source: Amalwandle Ethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa, pp 38-78 (2021)
The impact of marine spatial planning legislation on environmental authorisation, permit and licence requirements in Algoa Bay
Author: Denning Metuge
Source: Amalwandle Ethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa, pp 79-121 (2021)
Fishing for administrative justice in marine spatial planning: Small-scale fishers’ right to written reasons
Authors: Rachael Chasakara and Ntemesha Maseka
Source: Amalwandle Ethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa, pp 122-146 (2021)
Marine pilotage in Namibia
Author: Abisai Konstantinus
Source: Amalwandle Ethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa, pp 147-173 (2021)