About this publication
Acta Juridica is the University of Cape Town’s Law Faculty’s law journal. It is published annually as a single issue under the editorship of an issue editor, or issue editors, and comprises commissioned articles on a theme for each year. The annual themes and issue editors are approved by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law. Founded in 1956, it has been published by Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd since 2001.
Volume / Issue
The present as history: Workers’ struggles and the law during and after apartheid
Authors: Kally Forrest & Edward Webster
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 1-31
An elusive pursuit: Challenging invalid dismissals – then and now
Author: Paul Benjamin
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 32-54
The evolution of the right to fair procedure in dismissals for misconduct
Author: André van Niekerk
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 55-86
Beyond bargaining: New horizons for consultation
Author: Clive Thompson
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 87-116
The impact of international labour standards on democratic governance and decent work in the era of global polycrisis: Selected Southern African perspectives
Authors: Evance Kalula & William Mokofe
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 117-148
ILO technical assistance and law-making with integrity: Lesotho’s Labour Act of 2024
Authors: Debbie Collier & Shane Godfrey
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 149-182
The Constitutional Court: Negotiating between constitutionalism and political power
Authors: Dennis Davis & Hugh Corder
Source: Acta Juridica 2024, p 183-221