Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The
Professor FT Abioye (LLB LLM LLD) (Chief Editor); Dr DT Mailula (B Proc LLB LLM LLD); Professor HCAW Schulze (Assessor Dr jur); Ms T Botha (BA Journ BA (Hons) MA)
ISSN: 2522-3062
Year: 2017 – 2020
Published: Tri-annually
Accreditation(s): N/A
About this publication
The journal is published three times a year (March, July, November). An important regular feature in each issue of CILSA is the review of current legal developments in Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This is the only internationally available, regular update of legal developments in these countries.
CILSA is a peer-reviewed academic publication and is the recognized South African law journal with a wide international circulation and welcomes contributions from non-South African academics.
Volume 53 Issue 3, 2020
The Realisation of Children’s Survival Rights in South Africa, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Comparative
Authors: Mafuku Tholaine Matadi & Desan Iyer
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 352 – 388 (2019)
The Removal of Directors by a Company’s Board of Directors under the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Should it be a Mandatory or an Alterable Provision?
Author: Rehana Cassim
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 389 – 409 (2019)
Human Dignity and other Relevant Concepts in International and South African Human Rights Law: A Search for Content
Authors: Gerrit Ferreira & Anél Ferreira-Snyman
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 410 – 442 (2019)
Case Note: Litigating about where to Litigate: Vedanta Resources Plc v Lungowe [2019] UKSC 20
Author: Elsabe Schoeman
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 445 – 457 (2019)
Guest Editorial: Special Focus on Actualising the Right to Development in Africa
Author: Serges Djoyou Kamga
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 147 – 150 (2019)
Rupturing International Law to Realise the Right to Development
Author: Isaac Shai
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 151 – 168 (2019)
Linkages between Illicit Financial Flows and the Non-realisation of the Right to Development in Africa
Author: Gerard Emmanuel Kamdem Kamga
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 169 – 192 (2019)
Illicit Financial Flows, Asset Recovery, the Power Game and the Right to Development in Africa
Author: Serges Djoyou Kamga
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 193 – 214 (2019)
Realising the Right to Development in Africa: Responsible, Responsive and Ethical Political Leadership as a Conditio Sine Qua Non
Author: Avitus Agbor
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 215 – 233 (2019)
The Scourge of Human Trafficking in the SADC Region as Hindrance to Development: A Legal Analysis
Author: Kedibone Juda-Chembe
Source: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The, pp 234 – 252 (2019)