Le mensonge dans le procès pénal : Analyse a partir du droit Camerounais
Author: Tchabo Sontang Hervé Martial
ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: Docteur/Ph.D en Droit, Maître-Assistant (CAMES), Département de Droit des Affaires et de l’Entreprise, FSJP, Université de Dschang, Membre de l’Unité de Recherche en Droit, Institutions et Intégration Communautaire (URDIIC)
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 9 Issue 1, p. 130 – 161
In criminal proceedings, everyone claims to hold the truth, yet at times untruths or lies seem blithey to triumph. Untruths are therefore a living aspect of criminal proceedings and one can observe that, even if they are contrary to the objective pursued by criminal proceedings, they may yet articulate harmoniously with certain essential principles which govern and guide their unfolding.