SADC Law Journal, The
Prof. E Kalula (Editor-in-chief); Dr A Afadameh-Adeyemi; Mr M Nkumo; Mr F Bangamwabo; Prof. M Budeli; Dr T Hartzenberg; Mr CE Minega; Justice C Mkandawire; Dr M Munalula; Prof. C Ng’ong’ola; Prof. W Scholtz
ISSN: 2026-8556
Year: 2011 – Current
Published: Annually
Accreditation(s): N/A
About this publication
The SADC Law Journal is an annual peer-reviewed journal which provides a forum for legal themes of relevance to the SADC legal fraternity.
The SADC Law Journal is an important tool in creating greater awareness about the law in the SADC region and providing readers with latest legal debates in this area. The journal serves as a platform where prominent scholars and distinguished legal practitioners alike can share their views on various aspects of the SADC Treaty, SADC Protocols, other SADC norms, shape the legal discourse on regional integration and examine core legal issues in the SADC integration process.
Volume / Issue
Prospects for medicines regulation harmonisation in the SADC: Reflections on the AU draft model law and other developments
Authors: Yousuf A Vawda
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 209-223 (2014/15)
Customary Land Laws within Legal Pluralism over the Generations
Authors: Gordon R. Woodman
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 189-208 (2014/15)
Communal land tenure after 20 years of democracy in South Africa
Authors: Tara Weinberg
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 164-188 (2014/15)
Legal hostility towards street vendors in Tanzania: A constitutional quandary?
Authors: Tulia Ackson
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 144-163 (2014/15)
Facing reality: Regional integration, the unitary state and prospects for the actualisation of the SADC Charter of Fundamental Social Rights
Authors: Emmanuel K.B. Ntumy
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 110-143 (2014/15)
The Western Sahara Case: Land Reform and Pre-Colonial Land Rights in Namibia
Authors: Dr. Nico Horn
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 96-109 (2014/15)
Seeking a Gender Equitable Customary System of Distributive Justice: The Case of the Lozi of Western Zambia
Authors: Mulela Margaret Munalula
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 81-95 (2014/15)
The Role of Traditional Authorities in Land Allocation and Management in Lesotho
Authors: Kananelo E. Mosito KC
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 68-80 (2014/15)
Customary Land at Crossroads: Contest for the Control of Customary Land in Zambia
Authors: Horman Chitonge
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 45-67 (2014/15)
Large-Scale Land Investments and Customary Tenure: A Comparative Legal Study of Tanzania and Zambia
Authors: Margherita Baldarelli
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 26-44 (2014/15)