SADC Law Journal, The
Prof. E Kalula (Editor-in-chief); Dr A Afadameh-Adeyemi; Mr M Nkumo; Mr F Bangamwabo; Prof. M Budeli; Dr T Hartzenberg; Mr CE Minega; Justice C Mkandawire; Dr M Munalula; Prof. C Ng’ong’ola; Prof. W Scholtz
ISSN: 2026-8556
Year: 2011 – Current
Published: Annually
Category: Juta’s Law Journals
About this publication
The SADC Law Journal is an annual peer-reviewed journal which provides a forum for legal themes of relevance to the SADC legal fraternity.
The SADC Law Journal is an important tool in creating greater awareness about the law in the SADC region and providing readers with latest legal debates in this area. The journal serves as a platform where prominent scholars and distinguished legal practitioners alike can share their views on various aspects of the SADC Treaty, SADC Protocols, other SADC norms, shape the legal discourse on regional integration and examine core legal issues in the SADC integration process.
Volume / Issue
Does SADC provide a Remedy for Environmental Rights Violations in Weak Legal Regimes? A case Study of Iron Ore Mining in Swaziland
Authors: Angelo Dube
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 259-278 (2013)
The Prospect of SADC-Parliamentary Forum Transformation into a Regional Parliament: Too Big too Soon?
Authors: Dennis U Zaire
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 238-258 (2013)
Reconciling the Notion of Sovereignty with SADC’s Human Rights Protection Mandate
Authors: Obonye Jonas
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 212-237 (2013)
Evolving Regional Standards on the Rights of Labour Migrants: Perspectives from the EAC and the SADC
Authors: Juliana Masabo
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 182-211 (2013)
Effectiveness of Flexible Land Tenure in Unplanned Urban Areas in the SADC Region: A Case Study of Tanzania and Experiences from Zambia and Namibia
Authors: Kennedy Gastorn
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 160-181 (2013)
Sub-Saharan Africa and Climate Change: Revisiting the ‘Multiple Stresses’ Factor and Adaptation Strategies of ECOWAS and SADC zones
Authors: Yemi Oke
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 139-159 (2013)
Joint Management as an Emerging Norm in International Watercourses Law: The Case of the SADC
Authors: William Attwell
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 117-138 (2013)
Aligning Regional Integration Efforts in the SADC-EU Interim Economic Partnership Agreement with the African Economic Community
Authors: Mbakiso Magwape
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 104-116 (2013)
Harmonisation or Unification of Laws in the Context of SADC Regional Integration: ‘Analysing the SADC’s Initiatives in the Era of E-commerce’
Authors: Deo John Nangela
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 80-103 (2013)
WTO Special and Differential Treatment: Africa’s Golden Fleece or Trojan Horse
Authors: Jumoke Oduwole
Source: SADC Law Journal, The, pp 59-79 (2013)