About this publication
The South African Intellectual Property Law Journal (IPLJ) strives to be the journal of choice for academics, practitioners and students of intellectual property law. It focuses on intellectual property law and policy. Its primary scope of coverage is South Africa. However, it publishes papers on intellectual property law and policy from other jurisdictions, especially in Africa, with relevance to the South African context.
Volume / Issue
From Century City to Sandton City: Aspects of geographical trade marks
Author: Wim Alberts
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal V8, pp 1-12
Corporate control of intellectual property for wealth maximisation: Prospects for stakeholders’ protection within corporate law
Author: Nojeem Amodu
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal V8, pp 13-34

Levelling the playing field to promote technology transfer and innovation in African least developed countries
Author: Fernando Dos Santos
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal V8, pp 35-55
Evaluating the copyright protection of databases in South Africa: A comparative analysis with the European Union
Author: Ndivhuwo Ishmel Moleya
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal V8, pp 56-79
A commentary on broadcast copyright protection in Kenya and South Africa against the prism of WIPO negotiations on the rights of broadcasters
Authors: Hezekiel Oira, Lonias Ndlovu, Desan Iyer and Ben Sihanya
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal V8, pp 80-108