South African Law Journal
G Glover (Managing Editor); M Paleker; L Steyn; P Andanda; H Kruuse; H Corder
ISSN: 0258-2503 | eISSN: 1996-2177
Years of Publication: 1883 – current (by Juta & Co since 1910)
Published: Periodical – 4 Issues/Annum
Accreditation(s): International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
About this publication
The South African Law Journal is South Africa’s premier law journal. It publishes articles, notes on cases and book reviews by prominent members of the legal profession and academics. Founded in 1884, it is the oldest law journal of its kind in the world. The South African Law Journal is the legal showcase for new ideas, changing attitudes and shifting emphases in South African law. Those who are interested in these changes and developments will find this journal stimulating reading.
Volume / Issue
Volume 136 Issue 3
Notes: Too simple for National Credit Act matters: Reconsidering the scope of Magistrates’ Courts rule 5(2)(b)
Author: Stephan van der Merwe
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 397-403 (2019)
Notes: Pienaar Bros (Pty) Ltd v CSARS, retroactive fiscal legislation and the rule of law: Has South Africa just taken a step back in its constitutional democracy?
Author: Afton Titus
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 404-420 (2019)
Notes: The right of an ESTA occupier to make improvements without an owner’s permission after Daniels: A different perspective
Author: D M Davis
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 420-432 (2019)
We are all international lawyers now: The Constitution’s international-law trifecta comes of age
Authors: Andreas Coutsoudis, Max du Plessis
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 433-462 (2019)
In duplum and the lump-sum loan: The common law and section 103(5) of the National Credit Act
Author: Monica L Vessio
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 463-488 (2019)
No double-dipping: Rethinking the tests for duplication of convictions
Author: Scott Roberts
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 489-512 (2019)
A critical analysis of the grounds of removal of a director by the board of directors under the Companies Act
Author: Rehana Cassim
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 513-549 (2019)
Sham trusts in South Africa: Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis (times change, and we change with them)
Author: Bradley S Smith
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 550-580 (2019)
Book Review: Commentaries on European Contract Laws
Author: Dale Hutchison
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 581-587 (2019)
Book Review: Commercial Litigation in Anglophone Africa — The Law Relating to Civil Jurisdiction, Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Interim Remedies
Author: Ada Ordor
Source: South African Law Journal 136, pp 587-593 (2019)