South African Law Journal
G Glover (Managing Editor); M Paleker; L Steyn; P Andanda; H Kruuse; H Corder
ISSN: 0258-2503 | eISSN: 1996-2177
Years of Publication: 1883 – current (by Juta & Co since 1910)
Published: Periodical – 4 Issues/Annum
Accreditation(s): International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS); Scopus
About this publication
The South African Law Journal is South Africa’s premier law journal. It publishes articles, notes on cases and book reviews by prominent members of the legal profession and academics. Founded in 1884, it is the oldest law journal of its kind in the world. The South African Law Journal is the legal showcase for new ideas, changing attitudes and shifting emphases in South African law. Those who are interested in these changes and developments will find this journal stimulating reading.
Volume / Issue
Volume 137 Issue 1
Rereading Botha v Rich
Author: L Boonzaier
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 1-12 (2020)
Informed consent in medical malpractice suits: An analysis of Beukes v Smith
Author: B Townsend & D Thaldar
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 13-25 (2020)
What’s in a name? A note on nomenclature
Author: M Wallis
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 25-31 (2020)
The crisis of criminal justice in South Africa
Author: E Cameron
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 32-71 (2020)
Sexual abuse of pupils by teachers in South African schools: The vicarious liability of education authorities
Author: K Calitz, C de Villiers
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 108-145 (2020)
The importance of a legislative framework for co-operation and collaboration in the Twin Peaks model of financial regulation
Authors: G van Niekerk & C van Heerden
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 108-144 (2020)
Empowering rural women crafters in KwaZulu-Natal: The dynamics of intellectual property, traditional cultural expressions, innovation and social entrepreneurship
Author: D O Oriakhogba
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 145-172 (2020)
Book Reviews: The Object and Purpose of Intellectual Property
Author: C Okorie
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 173-177 (2020)
Book Reviews: Air Law: A Comprehensive Sourcebook for Southern African Pilots
Author: EP Samson
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 177-183 (2020)