South African Law Journal
G Glover (Managing Editor); M Paleker; L Steyn; P Andanda; H Kruuse; H Corder
ISSN: 0258-2503 | eISSN: 1996-2177
Years of Publication: 1883 – current (by Juta & Co since 1910)
Published: Periodical – 4 Issues/Annum
Accreditation(s): International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS); Scopus
About this publication
The South African Law Journal is South Africa’s premier law journal. It publishes articles, notes on cases and book reviews by prominent members of the legal profession and academics. Founded in 1884, it is the oldest law journal of its kind in the world. The South African Law Journal is the legal showcase for new ideas, changing attitudes and shifting emphases in South African law. Those who are interested in these changes and developments will find this journal stimulating reading.
Volume / Issue
Volume 137 Issue 4
Befriending the bogeyman: Direct horizontal application in AB v Pridwin
Author: Meghan Finn
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 591-607 (2020)
‘When legality and certainty collide’: Magnificent Mile Trading 30 (Pty) Ltd v Celliers NO & others
Author: D M Pretorius
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 608-624 (2020)
Caveat subscriptor, the consumer-friendly approach: An analysis of Van Wyk v UPS SCS South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Author: Tshepiso Scott
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 625-640 (2020)
Beadica 231 CC: An end to the trilogy?
Author: Simon Thompson
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 641-658 (2020)
The quest for ‘reasonable certainty’: Refining the justice and equity remedial framework in public procurement cases
Authors: Raisa Cachalia & Lauren Kohn
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 659-697 (2020)
Procedural fairness, executive decision-making and the rule of law
Author: Clive Plasket
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 698-712 (2020)
The right of ‘interested parties’ to be heard during an anti-dumping investigation conducted by the National Treasury on behalf of the Minister of Finance
Author: Clive Vinti
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 713-732 (2020)
Opposing cynical evictions: A framework of appropriate remedies
Author: Jeremy Phillips
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 733-762 (2020)
Geographical indications: The cuckoo in the IP nest
Author: Sadulla Karjiker
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 763-791 (2020)
Sandra Fredman Comparative Human Rights Law (2018)
Author: D M Davis
Source: South African Law Journal 137, pp 792-796 (2020)