South African Law Journal
G Glover (Managing Editor); M Paleker; L Steyn; P Andanda; H Kruuse; H Corder
ISSN: 0258-2503 | eISSN: 1996-2177
Years of Publication: 1883 – current (by Juta & Co since 1910)
Published: Periodical – 4 Issues/Annum
Accreditation(s): International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
About this publication
The South African Law Journal is South Africa’s premier law journal. It publishes articles, notes on cases and book reviews by prominent members of the legal profession and academics. Founded in 1884, it is the oldest law journal of its kind in the world. The South African Law Journal is the legal showcase for new ideas, changing attitudes and shifting emphases in South African law. Those who are interested in these changes and developments will find this journal stimulating reading.
Volume / Issue
Volume 132 Issue 1, 2015
The Role of Judicial Method in Contract Law Revisited
Authors: Deeksha Bhana
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 122 – 149 (2015 I1)
A Comparative Study on the Regulation of Labour Brokers in South Africa and Namibia in Light of Recent Legislative Developments
Authors: A Botes
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 100 – 121 (2015 I1)
Developing the common law of breach of promise and universal partnerships: Rights to property sharing for all cohabitants?
Authors: Elsje Bonthuys
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 76 – 99 (2015 I1)
Housing the Ghost-Writers: The Appropriate Institutional Location of Legislative Drafting Expertise
Authors: Lisa Chamberlain
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 55 – 75 (2015 I1)
Notes: The place of effective management criterion for determining the tax residence of persons other than natural persons: Oceanic Trust Co Ltd NO v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service
Authors: Charles de Matos Ala
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 41 – 54 (2015 I1)
Notes: Trade marks: The reach of a retail services registration
Authors: Wim Alberts
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 31 – 40 (2015 I1)
Notes: Limitless liability – Tokoloshe or real danger? Country Cloud Trading CC v MEC, Department of Infrastructure Development
Authors: Andre Mukheibir
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 22 – 31 (2015 I1)
Notes: Wrongful deprivation of liberty-It is not just about the warrant: Domingo v Minister of Safety and Security
Authors: Thulani Nkosi
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 15 – 22 (2015 I1)
Notes: The Ambit of the Discretion of Courts in the Case of Encroachments: Fedgroup Participation Bond Managers (Pty) Ltd v Trustee of the Capital Property Trust Collective Investment Scheme in Property
Authors: Z T Boggenpoel
Source: South African Law Journal 132, pp 5 – 15 (2015 I1)