South African Mercantile Law Journal
Mrs Z Taljaard (Managing Editor); Prof N Botha (Editor)
ISSN: 1996-2185
Year: 1988 – Current
Published: Tri-annually
About this publication
The South African Mercantile Law Journal is a specialised journal published by Juta Law and the Faculty of Law, University of South Africa. It is devoted to publishing material in the field of mercantile and business law. This journal is not intended as a businessman’s journal. It is aimed at practitioners in these areas of law.
Volume / Issue
Volume 27 Issue 3, 2015
Case Note: The Review of Administrative Actions: An Undue Delay Caused by SARS-Ackermans Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services [case 16408/2013]
Authors: SP van Zyl
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 577 – 588 (2015 I3)
Case Note: Revisiting the South African (Marine) Insurance Warranty Against the English Insurance Act of 2015 and the Nordic Marine Insurance Plan of 2013: Viking Inshore Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited
Authors: Livashnee Naidoo
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 560 – 576 (2015 I3)
Analysis: Lien Held by Company on Members’ Shares
Authors: Henk Delport
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 540 – 559 (2015 I3)
The Social and Ethics Committee in Terms of the 2008 Companies Act: Some Observations Regarding the Exemptions and the Role of the Companies Tribunal
Authors: S de Lange
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 507 – 539 (2015 I3)
Towards an SADC Community Sales Law: Lessons SADC May Learn from the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL)
Authors: Tapiwa Shumba
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 478 – 506 (2015 I3)
An Overview of Promotional Activities in terms of the Consumer Protection Act in South Africa
Authors: Jacolien Barnard, Tshepiso Scott
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 441 – 477 (2015 I3)
An Evaluation of the Concept of ‘Rights’ as Applied in Domain Name Dispute Resolution Adjudications in the ‘.za’ domain: Comments and Suggestions
Authors: Eddie Hurter
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 418 – 440 (2015 I3)
Advancing the Statutory Remedy for Unfair Prejudice in South African Company Law: Perspectives from International Jurisprudence
Authors: Aubrey Sibanda
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 401 – 417 (2015 I3)
The Liability Regime for Insider Dealing Violations in South Africa: Where We Have Been, Where We Are
Authors: H Kawadza
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 383 – 400 (2015 I3)