South African Mercantile Law Journal
Mrs Z Taljaard (Managing Editor); Prof N Botha (Editor)
ISSN: 1996-2185
Year: 1988 – Current
Published: Tri-annually
About this publication
The South African Mercantile Law Journal is a specialised journal published by Juta Law and the Faculty of Law, University of South Africa. It is devoted to publishing material in the field of mercantile and business law. This journal is not intended as a businessman’s journal. It is aimed at practitioners in these areas of law.
Volume / Issue
Volume 29 Issue 2, 2017
Case Notes: Interpretation, credit reinstatment and judicial disagreement: Nkata v First Rand Bank Ltd
Authors: Thulani Nkosi
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 403 – 417 (2017 I2)
Case Notes: Moving towards compulsory annuitisation of provident fund benefits in South Africa
Authors: Clement Marumoagae
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 390 – 402 (2017 I2)
The role of comparative law in consumer protection law: A South African perspective
Authors: Jacolien Barnard
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 353 – 389 (2017 I2)
A comparative overview of the legal reform of non-possessory real security rights over movables in South Africa and Belgium with specific reference to the legal nature of the security object and court intervention
Authors: Lefa Ntsoane, Mitzi Wiese
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 325 – 352 (2017 I2)
The appraisal remedy and the oppression remedy under the Companies Act of 2008, and the overlap between them
Authors: Maleka Femida Cassim
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 305 – 324 (2017 I2)
Towards a unanimous global remedy for breach of athlete contracts: A comparative analysis
Authors: Kenneth Mould
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 270 – 304 (2017 I2)
Income tax-related search and seizure in South Africa: Lessons from Canada and New Zealand
Authors: Carika Fritz
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 240 – 269 (2017 I2)
Franchise disclosure documents through the lens of the CPA and the Regulations
Authors: Lynn Biggs
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 219 – 239 (2017 I2)
Excessive pricing in South African competition law: Elucidating the nature and implications of the consumer-detriment requirement
Authors: Ryan David McKerrow
Source: South African Mercantile Law Journal, pp 173 – 218 (2017 I2)