Stellenbosch Law Review
Prof AM Louw (Editor)
ISSN: 1996-2193
Year: 2003 – Current
Published: Tri-annually
About this publication
The Stellenbosch Law Review is a forum for the discussion of topical legal issues in various fields. As a law review the emphasis is on providing insight rather than just an overview. It maintains a balance between a wide variety of specialist fields and legal subjects of general interest.
Volume / Issue
Volume 30 Issue 2, 2019
A Loophole in the Joint Administration of Estates by Spouses Married in Community of Property in the Context of the Purchase of Land
Author: Alina Starosta
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 155-165 (2019 I2)
May an Employer Dismiss an Employee if the Disciplinary Chair Imposed a Lesser Sanction? South African Revenue Service V Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration 2017 38 ILJ 97 (CC)
Author: Karin Calitz
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 166-185 (2019 I2)
In Chronic Exile: Rethinking the Legal Regime for Refugees in Protracted Refugee Situations
Author: Fatima Khan
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 186-211 (2019 I2)
An Analysis of Directors’ Fiduciary Duties in the Removal of a Director From Office
Author: Rehana Cassim
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 212-233 (2019 I2)
(Re)Defining the Contours of Ownership: Moving Beyond White Picket Fences
Author: Zsa-Zsa Temmers Boggenpoel
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 234-249 (2019 I2)
The Considerations of Culture in the Sustainability of Biodiversity in South Africa: A Legal Standpoint
Authors: Ifeoma Laura Owosuyi
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 250-280 (2019 I2)
Application and Granting of Rights to Minerals: A Trio of Legal Processes for Optimal Exploitation and Protection of Right Holders [An Analysis of Minister of Mineral Resources V Mawetse (SA) Mining Corporation (Pty) Ltd 2016 1 SA 306 (SCA)]
Authors: Heleen van Niekerk & Godknows Mudimu
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 281-298 (2019 I2)
The State V Twynham: The (Ir)Relevance of Further Regulation of Religious Organisations in South Africa
Authors: Helena van Coller & Idowu A Akinloye
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 299-314 (2019 I2)